Atmospheric analysis

NIWA has been using advanced scientific instruments to measure atmospheric trace gases and isotopes for over 50 years.

  • Tokomaru-shelf-cyclone-gabrielle

    Impacts on marine environment – fisheries and seabed

    Research Project
    Cyclone Gabrielle resulted in the transport of vast amounts of freshwater, sediment and debris to the marine environment of Te Matau-a-Māui/Hawkes Bay and Tairāwhiti/Gisborne regions. 

    Summer/Spring School

    The Joint Graduate School runs regular gatherings to connect students and faculty across the university and the NIWA sites.
  • Joint graduate school - Meet the students

    Meet our students & graduates

    Meet some students and graduates who share their experience and where it has taken them.
  • Meet Staff - JGS

    Meet our staff

    NIWA partners with UOA to provide postgraduates with the opportunity to work at the forefront of coastal and marine research.
  • Soil moisture anomaly map (mm) at 9am on 3 April 2024

    Hotspot Watch 4 April 2024

    A weekly update describing soil moisture patterns across the country to show where dry to extremely dry conditions are occurring or imminent.
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    Pacific Rim partnerships

    NIWA works collaboratively with our Pacific partners to support the sustainable management and resilience of the Pacific’s natural resources, environments and communities.
  • tuna

    Taonga species

    Te Kūwaha, NIWA’s Māori Environmental Research team, partners with whānau, hapū and iwi to co-develop methods for the protection, restoration and economic development of taonga species.
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    Freshwater restoration

    NIWA measurement, research and tools support strategies being used to reverse the degradation of freshwaters and restore ecosystems throughout New Zealand.
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    Freshwater quality

    NIWA provides measurement, knowledge and tools to the managers of New Zealand's stream, river, lake and groundwater quality.
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    Freshwater invertebrates

    NIWA research into freshwater invertebrates supports a greater understand of the role of these varied aquatic species in habitat and ecosystem health.
  • Zombie fish

    Freshwater fish

    NIWA research and tools support the protection, restoration and management of New Zealand’s freshwater fish species and the habitats that sustain them.
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    NIWA offers a range of standard toxicity tests for both freshwater and marine environments and is at the cutting edge of toxicity-related research.