Water & Atmosphere 24, July 2020

The July 2020 edition of NIWA's flagship publication, Water & Atmosphere.

The July 2020 edition of NIWA's flagship publication, Water & Atmosphere.

This edition of Water & Atmosphere: 24 is available as a PDF document. [PDF 7.8MB] and a digital Issuu publication:

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In this issue

  • Tracking our ocean wanderers

    Albatrosses may be masters of the skies, but they are surprisingly vulnerable on the water. Campbell Gardiner talks to two scientists working to keep these magnificent seabirds airborne.
  • Kingfish

    Getting the taste for kingfish

    This award-winning kingfish sashimi dish is creating quite a splash – but it doesn’t come from the sea. We look at NIWA’s latest aquaculture success story and the new opportunities it’s on path to deliver.
  • Building pathways

    It has been a whirlwind first six months for Ngāpera Keegan and Tekiteora Rolleston-Gabel, the first two young researchers in NIWA’s newly established Māori Graduate Internship Programme.
  • A cold day in the office

    Five specialist NIWA divers were left ‘gasping’ during their recent plunge under the ice near Scott Base.
  • Fresh thinking – new solutions

    Getting tangled up in seaweed or using supercomputers to unravel climate change – NIWA scientists go to great lengths to find fresh answers.
  • Rust coding

    Campbell Gardiner explains how hundreds of lines of computer code generated each week are helping biosecurity authorities keep a close eye on a plant pathogen.
  • Locked down, but breathing freely

    Some of the most striking images of lockdown around the world have been the blue skies of cities ordinarily choking in smog. From New Delhi to Los Angeles, Beijing to Paris, the changes were so remarkable they were visible from space.
  • Science helps shape the fightback

    NIWA’s Chief Executive John Morgan looks at the role science will play in New Zealand’s post-Covid recovery.