From left to right
Lionel Carter: Educated at the Universities of Auckland and British Columbia (PhD); marine geologist at the NZ Oceano-graphic Institute (18 years) and NIWA (10 years).
Melissa Bowen: PhD from MIT/Woods Hole; research scientist for 2 years at the University of Colorado; Visiting Scientist at NIWA.
Basil Stanton: Educated at Canterbury University; 36 years as a physical oceanographer at NIWA and its predecessors.
Phil Sutton: Educated at the University of Auckland and Scripps Institute of Oceanography (PhD); a physical oceanographer at NIWA for 8 years.
Mike Harvey: PhD from Nottingham, England, followed by 20 years’ research (15 at NIWA) in the area of aerosols and sulfur chemistry, surface–atmosphere exchange of trace gases.
Barbara Manighetti: Educated at Leicester and Cambridge (PhD) Universities, England; worked as a research associate on glacial–interglacial change in Cambridge and 6 years as a marine geologist at NIWA.
Helen Neil: PhD from the University of Waikato. Worked as a lecturer and 6 years as a research scientist at NIWA in marine geology.
Brett Mullan: Educated at the University of Auckland and MIT (DSc); worked with the NZ Met Service and 9 years as a research scientist at NIWA (Atmospheric Variability and Change group).
Craig Stevens: PhD from the Centre for Water Research in Western Australia with postdoctoral work in Canada; 6 years working at NIWA in environmental fluid mechanics.

Rob Bell: PhD from Canterbury University. Scientist at the Ministry of Works (MWD), DSIR and NIWA as a coastal modeller.

Philip Boyd: PhD from Queens University (Belfast), postdoctoral work in Canada. Research Scientist at NIWA for 6 years, with interests in ocean biology and iron fertilisation.

Kim Currie: PhD from the University of Otago; scientist at the University of Otago; 6 years as a marine chemist at NIWA.

Steve Chiswell: PhD from State University of New York; physical oceano-grapher at NIWA since 1991.

Derek Goring: University of Canterbury and Caltech (MSc, PhD); research in coastal, river and eco- hydraulics for 27 years with MWD, DSIR and NIWA.

Scott Nodder: PhD from University of Waikato; a sedimentologist with DSIR and NIWA since 1989.

Murray Smith: PhD from the University of Canterbury and postdoctoral work in Canada; research scientist at DSIR and NIWA since 1983 (air–sea interaction).