Contact Details
Natalie is a marine physicist, specialising in polar oceanography. Her work ranges in scale from regional scale circulation and inter-annual variability to small-scale processes at the ice-ocean interface. Her work has significantly contributed to understanding the oceanic connection between ice shelf and sea ice regimes. This has required direct sub-ice observations of pressure-induced supercooling; multi-phase fluid flow; roughness and drag at the interface; and buoyancy-driven convection. She leads a Fast-Start Marsden project on understanding the boundary layer beneath platelet ice, and is a co-PI on one of the new Antarctic Science Platform projects: Sea ice and carbon cycle feedbacks. She is passionate about making science accessible to everyone and has participated in numerous outreach and engagement opportunities across a variety of platforms.
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News: Seagrass in bloom - Taking the measure of Antarctic sea ice
Seagrass in Tauranga Harbour. (Photo: Virginie Dos Santos, NIWA / University of Toulouse)
The inflorescence in a shoot of Zostera muelleri includes an arrangement of male and female flowers. (Photos: Fleur Matheson)
Seagrass in bloom Scientists from NIWA, in collaboration with researchers at the universities of Waikato and Toulouse (France), have discovered seagrass flowering in Tauranga Harbour.