PhD, Biological Sciences, University of Canterbury, New Zealand
MSc, Fishery Science and Aquaculture, Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany
BSc, Biology, Environmental Science, Allegheny College, USA
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Dr Brandon Goeller is an Early Career Researcher with a background in applied catchment ecology, hydrology, biogeochemistry, and catchment mapping skills. Brandon specialises in catchment ‘systems thinking’, which crosses multiple scales and involves processes from surface interactions between soils and flowing waters to the decisions that land managers make at field- to farm-scales, to understanding the context of regional and national policy drivers.
Brandon’s research during his PhD (2015-2018) until present has examined how multifunction riparian buffers, constructed wetlands, and other interceptive, diffuse pollution mitigations can improve water quality, boost ecosystem functions, and boost ecosystem health in agriculturally-impacted waterways. Brandon is also interested in techniques to map nutrient, sediment, and fecal microbial transport flowpaths, to inform mitigation practice design, placement, and scaling at farm- and catchment-scales.
To facilitate uptake of diffuse pollution mitigation and stream rehabilitation practices, Brandon also translate research into guidance documents and training resources for other scientists, rural professionals, industry bodies, and landowners.
Research Outputs
Recently Featured Work

Building back wetlands

Better outcomes for downstream water quality

Constructed wetland guidelines