
NIWA’s environmental science helps contribute to sustainable development in the Asia-Pacific region.

  • Losing ground to sea-level rise

    Research Project
    Mangroves on the atoll of Ouvéa are struggling with the changing climate
  • Kiribati sea wall

    Coastal inundation risk in the Pacific

    News article
    Researchers created national sea-level risk profiles for populations, buildings, croplands & infrastructure under present & future climate scenarios.
  • (no image provided)

    Pacific partnerships

    NIWA works collaboratively with our Pacific partners to support the sustainable management and resilience of the Pacific’s natural resources, environments and communities.
  • Tonga_demersal_line_fishery-teaser_image.png

    Improved sustainability of the demersal line fishery in Tonga

    Research Project
    The Tongan deepwater demersal line fishery is a valuable source of income, livelihood, and social well-being for the people of Tonga. The fishery has a history of boom-and-bust cycles with fluctuating catches and poor economic returns.
  • Tonga eruption caused fastest ever underwater flow

    Media release
    The 2022 Tonga volcanic eruption triggered the fastest underwater flow ever recorded.
  • Pacific atoll mangrove forests losing ground to sea-level rise

    Research Project
    Mangrove systems on oceanic atolls may lose the race to keep pace with sea-level rise.
  • Making big waves in the Pacific

    Feature story
    Prior to 15 January, Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai was a little-known undersea South Pacific volcano with a long name. Within 24 hours, it  was a global phenomenon – the site of the largest atmospheric explosion in almost 150 years. Jessica Rowley looks at why a remote Tongan volcano took the world by storm.
  • Tonga eruption confirmed as largest ever recorded

    Media release
    A New Zealand-led team has completed the fullest investigation to date into January’s eruption of the underwater Tongan volcano.
  • Tonga eruption discoveries defy expectations

    Media release
    New findings from the record-breaking Tongan volcanic eruption are “surprising and unexpected."
  • NIWA-Nippon Seabed Mapping Project a “rare opportunity” to study effects of Tonga eruption

    Media release
    NIWA and The Nippon Foundation are undertaking a mission to discover the undersea impacts of the recent Tongan volcanic eruption.
  • Tropical seafloor secrets revealed

    Media release
    NIWA scientists and Toitū Te Whenua Land Information New Zealand (LINZ) have used satellite technology to chart the Cook Islands’ seafloor in never-before-seen detail. The work was done as part of Seabed 2030 - a collaborative project to produce a definitive map of the world ocean floor by 2030.
  • Pacific Risk Tool for Resilience, Phase 2 (PARTneR-2)

    Research Project
    The three-year PARTneR–2 project aims to help countries in the Pacific become more resilient to the impacts of climate-related hazards.