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Winter in Queenstown


In a meaningful context, students will be able to:

  • To explain the meaning of negative numbers. [N4.1]
  • Sketch and interpret graphs which represent everyday situations. [A4.3]
  • Make statements about time-related variation [S5.7]

Mathematics in the New Zealand Curriculum

The graph to the right shows the hourly temperatures for Queenstown on 16 July 2001 

Interpreting graphs:

  1. What was the highest temperature recorded on 16 July 2001? At what time of the day did this occur?
  2. What was the temperature at 12.30 pm and at 5 am?
  3. When was the temperature 0°C?
  4. What was the coldest temperature recorded on 16 July 2001 and when was it recorded?
  5. Between which two times was the temperature rising?
  6. When was the temperature falling most rapidly?
  7. Write a paragraph describing how the temperature changed over the 24-hour period.

Understanding negative numbers:

  1. Explain what a temperature of -12°C means.
  2. If the temperature is 6°C and falls by 9°C, what is the new temperature?
  3. If the temperature is -5°C and falls a further 3°C, what is the new temperature?
  4. Which temperature is lowest: -8°C or -9°C?
  5. Write down a temperature that is 2 degrees warmer than -14°C.