
Read about the important science being undertaken at NIWA, and how it affects New Zealanders

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    Tangaroa’s makeover hampered by weather

    News article
    The strong wind and rain that has battered Auckland this week has presented some special challenges for workers trying to paint NIWA’s flagship research vessel Tangaroa while she has been in dry dock.
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    DeepWave project measures gravity waves in the atmosphere

    News article
    One hundred people, a Gulfstream jet, some of the best technology available and two scientists in a paddock are undertaking an experiment that will make predicting the weather a lot more accurate.
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    Volunteers needed for NIWA snow project

    News article
    NIWA wants to recruit school students and members of the public over winter keen to take part in a citizen science initiative, and this week might be a good week to start.
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    Ocean acidification - what does it mean for shellfish?

    News article
    A video has been produced to show how NIWA and a range of partners are collaborating to understand global ocean acidification and how increasing ocean acidity is affecting shellfish and the aquaculture industry.
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    Scientist plumb depths in search of clues to the earth’s climate

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    NIWA scientists are this month launching some cutting-edge technology capable of finding out what's going on at the bottom of the ocean.
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    Prime Minister inspects NIWA product at Fieldays

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    Prime Minister John Key and Science and Innovation Minister Steven Joyce had a surprise meeting at NIWA's Fieldays stand today.
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    Off to Fieldays? We don’t want to dampen your spirits but…

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    NIWA has a message for opening day visitors to the rural sector’s biggest event of the year: go prepared.
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    Southern Alps focus for large international science experiment

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    NIWA scientists are this month taking a significant role in one of the largest science experiments to take place in New Zealand.
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    Northern-hemisphere fossil discovered living in New Zealand

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    A marine animal thought to have been extinct for four million years has been found alive and well and living near Picton.
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    NIWA scientists make waves about sea ice

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    NIWA scientists have made a breakthrough in understanding one of the key processes driving changes in sea ice.
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    Joint New Zealand - German 3D survey reveals massive seabed gas hydrate and methane system

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    A joint New Zealand-German research team has discovered a huge network of frozen methane and methane gas in sediments and in the ocean near New Zealand’s east coast.
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    NIWA welcomes new forecaster

    News article
    NIWA is pleased to welcome a new face (and voice) for Niwa Weather, Chris Brandolino, who has joined us as Forecaster.