
Read about the important science being undertaken at NIWA, and how it affects New Zealanders

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    Public help sought as hammerhead shark does his bit for science

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    People fishing in the Bay of Islands are being asked to keep a look out for a young hammerhead shark, nicknamed Orokawa.
  • Scientists seek vulnerable marine ecosystems in the South Pacific

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    A five-week voyage to the Louisville Seamount Chain in the South Pacific will give scientists a better understanding about marine ecosystems vulnerable to commercial fishing in the region.
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    Summer series Week 7: Scallops, a summer delicacy

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    Freshly caught scallops sizzling on the barbeque are a Kiwi summer treat – but their annual abundance can be a changing feast.
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    Summer series extra: Beware the humidity blues

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    In summer, extreme humidity – high and low – can send us round the bend. So what is it, why does it make us feel so bad, and how can we beat it?
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    Summer Series Week 5: Bacteria: do you know you’re soaking in them?

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    Next time you head down to the beach for a swim scientist Els Maas would be delighted if you spare a thought for the invisible workhorses of the ocean.
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    Summer Series Week 2: Science holiday fun for kids

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    Science experiments can be fun, messy, done in the dark or even while you're asleep. Here are some holiday ideas children – and their parents – can do over the summer break.
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    The weather of Christmasses past and present

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    If you can't beat Wellington on a good day, you can't beat it on Christmas Day either.
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    Summer Series Week 4: When aliens attack

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    Your favourite lake may look picturesque, calm and inviting but beware what lurks beneath – aliens are on the attack.
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    Turbulent times

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    Hoping for a smooth flight into Wellington? NIWA scientists can help.
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    Summer Series Week 3: Beaches buffer our shores from Mother Nature’s might

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    Read about how beaches are Nature's way of protecting sea front real estate and infrastructure against high winds and waves.
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    Summer Series Week 1: What the world around you can tell you about the weather

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    Forecasting whether we're in for a hot, dry holiday or wet, humid conditions this summer can be a complex and tricky business - Mother Nature can tell us about the weather ahead, just by observing patterns and sequences.
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    2012 - Blue cod survey

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    Scientists at the National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research (NIWA) have recently completed a survey of blue cod in the Marlborough Sounds.