
We provide public information on river, lake, and groundwater conditions across New Zealand including freshwater quantity and quality.

  • Citizen science: Monitoring the Maitai

    Feature story
    The first Wednesday of the month finds Philippa Eberlein and her Friends of the Maitai colleagues collecting samples from the Maitai River in Nelson.
  • (no image provided)

    Research projects

  • Summer Series 2017 - Citizen scientists take on Hutt River

    Feature story
    A group of volunteers who love the Hutt River are helping to care for it over summer.
  • Summer Series 2017 - A day out measuring at Molesworth

    Feature story
    As the road behind Hanmer Springs turns to gravel and a dust cloud forms in the rear vision mirror, the southern edge of Molesworth Station unfolds.
  • Citizen scientists take on Hutt River

    Citizen scientists take on Hutt River
  • The New Zealand Estuary Trophic Index

    Research Project
    Excessive nutrient input (eutrophication) threatens many New Zealand estuaries causing ecological problems, such as algal blooms and poor physical and chemical conditions for estuarine life.
  • A day out measuring at Molesworth

    A day out measuring at Molesworth
  • (no image provided)

    Aquatic invertebrate traits database

    Approximately 500 Aquatic invertebrate taxa are described in this database, made available to assist with the identification of specimens.
  • Proud of your plants? Take the survey

    Media release
    A new online survey is forming the basis of the National Riparian Restoration Database, which will help scientists to improve understanding of how riparian buffers benefit waterways.
    Take the survey
  • Q&A: going to sea for fresh water

    Feature story
    Since the end of June, a barge has been stationed just off Wellington’s Miramar Peninsula drilling into the seabed to find an alternative water source for the city.
  • WRIBO’s phoning it in

    Feature story
    A sophisticated buoy has been deployed in Wellington Harbour to “phone home” information about currents, waves and water quality in the harbour.