Climate & Weather

Understanding our variable and changing climate is critical for managing resources and reducing risks.

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    NIWA's Silver Climate Jubilee: Celebrating 25 Years of Seasonal Forecasting

    Media release
    July 2024 marks a special anniversary for NIWA - 25 years of issuing our Seasonal Climate Outlook.
  • Weather hazards

    NIWA weather and climate information

    Software Tool/Resource
    Free sources of weather and climate information and data from NIWA.
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    Climate change is making scientists reassess what is “normal”  

    Media release
    NIWA has completed a major project to analyse how New Zealand’s “climate normals” are shifting.
  • Tagging sharks in Fiordland 2

    Tagging Fiordland sharks to monitor climate change

    Media release
    Tracking changes in broadnose sevengill sharks' behaviour in a warming climate.
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    Hottest June temperature ever recorded

    Media release
    Highest June temperature since records began in the 1850s
  • Soil moisture anomaly map (mm) at 9am on 15 May 2015

    Hotspot Watch 16 May 2024

    This is the final Hotspot Watch for this season. The Hotspot Watch will return in the spring.
  • Hotspot Watch 9 May 2024

    A weekly update describing soil moisture patterns across the country to show where dry to extremely dry conditions are occurring or imminent.
  • Hotspot Watch 1 May 2024

    A weekly update describing soil moisture patterns across the country to show where dry to extremely dry conditions are occurring or imminent.
  • Hotspot Watch 23 April 2024

    A weekly update describing soil moisture patterns across the country to show where dry to extremely dry conditions are occurring or imminent.
  • Soil moisture anomaly map (mm) at 9am on 15 April 2024

    Hotspot Watch 15 April 2024

    A weekly update describing soil moisture patterns across the country to show where dry to extremely dry conditions are occurring or imminent.
  • Soil moisture anomaly map (mm) at 9am on 3 April 2024

    Hotspot Watch 4 April 2024

    A weekly update describing soil moisture patterns across the country to show where dry to extremely dry conditions are occurring or imminent.
  • Weather forecasting

    NIWA's forecasting services are underpinned by experienced meteorologists and in-house proprietary modelling.