We offer service contracts to minimize downtime if an instrument fails. We keep a full range of spares in our Christchurch store and can courier a spare to the contract holder on receiving a request.
NIWA Instrument Systems offers clients the opportunity to enter into a Service Contract arrangement. This is a useful form of insurance that many already contract to annually.
As a client you would pay an annual fee covering the servicing costs for the instruments on their specific servicing schedule.
As the service provider, NIWA Instrument Systems would despatch a replacement unit within 24 hours of notification of a request for replacement.
A service contract brings two clear benefits:
You'll know the cost of servicing your instruments a year in advance. No other costs will be incurred.
Minimal down time, meaning missing data can be minimized, and you may only require one site visit.
- Master service contract agreement (PDF 95 KB)
- Master service contract schedule (PDF 13 KB)