Atmospheric analysis

NIWA has been using advanced scientific instruments to measure atmospheric trace gases and isotopes for over 50 years.

  • NZFFD publications and catchment number directory

    Access commonly cited references for the NZFFD and the Catchments of New Zealand publication.
  • Biosecurity tools

    Software Tool/Resource
    Our biosecurity management tools include: assessment models, field surveys, management advice and the testing of control methods.
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    NIWA celebrates success of the Montreal Protocol

    News article
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    Winners of NIWA Auckland Science Fair announced

    News article
  • Controlling water weeds with grass carp

    Research Project
    A Ministry for Primary Industries-funded study has shown that grass carp, in enclosures, can be used as an effective means of controlling invasive plant species in our waterways.
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    Endorsement of NIWA's science welcome

    News article
    In determining a Judicial Review challenging the accuracy of NIWA's climate data and scientific methodology, High Court Judge Justice Venning was unequivocal in his findings, reinforcing NIWA's professionalism and credibility in this important area.
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    Ocean modelling

    NIWA answers a wide range of scientific questions using ocean modelling. These models can be linked to well established weather forecasting models to predict ocean temperature, sea level and the dispersal of pollution.
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    This system is based on these papers.
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    NeSI - the New Zealand eScience Infrastructure

    The High Performance Computing Facility underpins the New Zealand eScience Infrastructure (NeSI) initiative.
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    Freshwater pest species

    This is a user guide on non-native fish, reptile, invertebrate, algal and plant species that are recorded in New Zealand freshwaters.
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    Glossary of Coastal Terms

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    Winners of NIWA Wellington Science Fair announced

    News article