Traditional Maori Weather and Climate Forecasting
NIWA Poster No. 4 (2006)
Copies of this poster can be obtained from: [email protected] or order from
Posters cost $20.00 each
01 June 2006
NIWA Poster No. 4 (2006)
Copies of this poster can be obtained from: [email protected] or order from
Posters cost $20.00 each
- Traditional Maori Weather and Climate Forecasting
- The long and the short of it: looking after the needs of native eels
- Connecting habitats in estuaries
- Gas exchange and climate
- Plankton, iron, and climate
- Limits of acceptable change: a framework for managing marine farming
- Understanding local weather and climate using Maori environmental knowledge
- Dining out with greedy gobblers: protozoan grazing on faecal microbes
- ClimateExplorer now online - New energy partner for NIWA
- 'Water in the woolshed' road-show - Update on UV
- Coastal effects workshop a success - Communities learning to work with the sea
- Bugged by bugs? - The DAWG gets down to business
- New atmospheric science laboratory in Antarctica
- 2006 Science & Technology Fairs - Training at NIWA - SciCon 2006 - Celebrating science innovation
- Coralline algae and paua settlement
- Richard McKenzie's place in the sun
- The Southern Annular Mode and New Zealand climate
- Using Water & Atmosphere in your classroom