
NIWA's vessels are world class environmental monitoring and research platforms.

Research Voyages

Research Vessels

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    Sir Peter Blake Ambassador Fenna Beets - smooth sailing

    Setting sail on day one the weather was brilliant and the swell minimal, a good omen for what was ahead.
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    Sir Peter Blake Trust Ambassador Fenna Beets — Interconnectedness

    The last few days have seen a smorgasbord of new experiences for me already.
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    Tangaroa’s makeover hampered by weather

    News article
    The strong wind and rain that has battered Auckland this week has presented some special challenges for workers trying to paint NIWA’s flagship research vessel Tangaroa while she has been in dry dock.
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    Tangaroa sets sail to map the seabed off Otago

    News article
  • IPY-CAML voyage to Antarctica

  • Happy Feet Departs Wellington

  • Tangaroa's Dynamic Positioning System - How does it work?

  • Tangaroa aerial footage

  • Tangaroa refit 2010

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    Tangaroa fact sheet