Dr Aidin Jabbari

Lake Ecological Modeller


Ph.D in Civil Engineering (Hydrotechnical), Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario Canada


Contact Details


My research focuses on understanding and predicting aquatic environments, with an emphasis on ecosystem dynamics, water quality, and biogeochemical processes. I integrate field observations, numerical simulations, and theoretical analysis to study these complex systems. I have been fortunate to work on a range of environmental projects, including recent efforts to develop coupled hydrodynamic, water quality, catchment, and climate change models for simulating water quality and thermal dynamics in Lake Taupo and Lake Wanaka (New Zealand), assess physical processes and thermal variations in eelgrass areas in the nearshore Scotian Shelf (Canada), modelling algal growth in New River Estuary (New Zealand), and model future dissolved oxygen depletion in small temperate lakes. I strive to provide practical insights and tools to support informed decision-making and sustainable management of freshwater and marine ecosystems.


Research Outputs

Modeling future dissolved oxygen and temperature profiles in small temperate lake trout lakes

Jabbari, A., Boegman, L., and Molot, L.A.

Modelling water temperature dynamics for eelgrass (Zostera marina) areas in the nearshore Scotian Shelf

Jabbari, A., Wu, Y., Wong, M.C., and Dowd, M.

A Larval “Recruitment Kernel” to Predict Hatching Locations and Quantify Recruitment Patterns

Shi, W., Boegman, L., Shan, S., Zhao, Y., Ackerman, J.D., Amidon, Z., Jabbari, A., and Roseman, E.

Nearshore-offshore exchanges by enhanced turbulent mixing along the north shore of Lake Ontario

Jabbari, A., Valipour, R., Ackerman, J.D., and Rao, Y.R.

Parameterization of oscillating boundary layers in lakes and coastal oceans

Jabbari, A. and Boegman, L.

Increases in Great Lake winds and extreme events facilitate interbasin coupling and reduce water quality in Lake Erie

Jabbari, A., Ackerman, J.D., Boegman, L., and Zhao, Y.

External Profiles