
NIWA has undertake a number of projetcts looking at shark habitats, movements, nursery grounds and vulnerability to human impacts

  • Shark conservation one watermelon at a time

    Media release
    Warrick Lyon is heading to the Marshall Islands to teach fisheries observers how to tag sharks.
  • (no image provided)

    Summer Series 7: Beware! The golden triangle of the bronze whaler

    News article
  • White sharks

    Research Project
    Where and when do white sharks occur in New Zealand waters, and how can fisheries bycatch be reduced?
  • Rig shark

    Research Project
    Rig shark is an important inshore commercial fish species in New Zealand, and we need to understand more about their habitats, movements, nursery grounds and vulnerability to human impacts to ensure they are managed sustainably and their productivity is enhanced.
  • “Very rare find” of ghost shark hatchling

    Media release
    NIWA scientists have made the rare discovery of a days-old ghost shark during a recent survey off the east coast of the South Island.
  • From shallows: moving from the familiar shores of Raoul Island to lesser known higher latitude Islands

    Over the last few days the “dive team” have been recording corals, fishes, urchins and other invertebrates from the shallow waters (0-30m) surrounding Raoul Island to complement the biodiversity records from the deeper ocean collected by the other scientists onboard.
  • (no image provided)

    Public help sought as hammerhead shark does his bit for science

    News article
    People fishing in the Bay of Islands are being asked to keep a look out for a young hammerhead shark, nicknamed Orokawa.
  • Big Fish, Calm Sea - White Shark Tagging off Stewart Island

  • Great white sharks - sighted, tagged and tracked

  • Rig sharks - a familiar stranger