Bin 2.4 Heavy rainfall and urban drainage

Will our drainage systems still cope?

Will our drainage systems still cope?

The Tools in Bin 2.4 provide information on methods for estimating the effects of future heavy rainfall on urban drainage, and an assessment of how climate change guidance material is currently being used for storwater management in New Zealand.

Tool 2.4: Overview of urban drainage tools

(PDF 246 KB)

  • A brief overview of Tools 2.4.1 to 2.4.5. 

Tool 2.4.1: Climate change and urban drainage modelling – data, issues and assumptions

(PDF 491 KB)

  • This tool reviews the issues and assumptions involved in urban drainage modelling to determine the possible impacts of climate change. 

Tool 2.4.2: Incorporating climate change into urban stormwater management

(PDF 448 KB)

  • This tool investigates how climate change guidance is currently being used by stormwater practitioners in Auckland Councils and how they apply this guidance with respect to stormwater quantity control. 

Tool 2.4.3: Climate change guidance material for urban stormwater management

(PDF 546 KB)

  • This tool provides a stocktake of guidance material available to urban stormwater managers in the Auckland region, including a summary of the regulatory framework relevant to stormwater management and a review of national and Auckland regional technical guidance material that can be used by practitioners to plan for possible adaption to the impacts of climate change on stormwater management. 

Tool 2.4.4: Modelling the North Shore City Council wastewater network – a case study of potential climate change impacts

(PDF 578 KB)

  • This tool provides an example of a climate change risk assessment for an urban wastewater network that was carried out as part of the Auckland case-study. 

Tool 2.4.5: Linkages to risk assessment, adaptation options and decision tools

(PDF 90 KB)

  • This tool identifies the next stages in an assessment of urban drainage impacts due to climate change. 

Related links

Surface flooding in Auckland.