
Read about the important science being undertaken at NIWA, and how it affects New Zealanders

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    Sir Peter Blake Ambassador Fenna Beets - smooth sailing

    Setting sail on day one the weather was brilliant and the swell minimal, a good omen for what was ahead.
  • Sir Peter Blake Trust Ambassador Mitchell Chandler - in the field

    This past week I have been based in Wellington. My favourite aspect of being here so far has been the field work
  • Summer Series Week 1: A year of weather

    News article
    There were floods, tornados, fires and big waves in another year of big weather for New Zealand. NIWA climate scientists review the inclement highlights month by month.
  • NIWA's Hotspot Watch

    A weekly update describing soil moisture across the country to help assess whether severely to extremely dry conditions are occurring or imminent.
  • Sir Peter Blake Trust Ambassador Mitchell Chandler — first week at Lauder

    I have just completed the first week of my Blake NIWA Ambassadorship down in Lauder.
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    Sir Peter Blake Trust Ambassador Fenna Beets — Interconnectedness

    The last few days have seen a smorgasbord of new experiences for me already.
  • NIWA's Hotspot Watch

    Soil moisture levels across the North Island have remained largely unchanged when compared to this time last week.
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    Voyage to discover secrets of marine food web

    News article
    Scientists are beginning a voyage to the middle of the marine food web today to find out more about one of the most complex networks on the planet.
  • NIWA's Hotspot Watch

    A hotspot persists and has expanded in the Wairarapa region. In the South Island, hotspots exist in eastern Marlborough and from central Canterbury through to northeast Otago.
  • Deep South National Science Challenge projects confirmed

    Media release
    Understanding our future climate so New Zealanders can adapt and thrive is the aim of the Deep South National Science Challenge, which today announced its first allocation of funds to improve predictions of climate change.
  • NIWA's Hotspot Watch

    A weekly update describing soil moisture across the country to help assess whether severely to extremely dry conditions are occurring or imminent.
  • New Zealand’s youngest scientists use interactive tool to learn about air quality

    News article
    They may not be old enough to start school yet, but that isn’t stopping children in South Auckland getting to grips with science.