Coralline algae guide - Bird's-eye view of estuaries - Training at NIWA - New at Kelly Tarlton's - Project Q - Enquiring minds want to know
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Coralline algae guide
NIWA’s new identification guide covers the common 'crustose' coralline algae found in central New Zealand. As well as general information on taxonomy, structure, and reproduction, there are chapters detailing techniques for collection, preservation, and identification. You'll find a two-page profile for each of 20 common species, with field data and detailed anatomical and taxonomic information, richly illustrated with colour and black-and-white photographs. The guide makes coralline algal identification possible for a range of users, from professional phycologists to ecologists, students, and the interested amateur.

The guide also contains:
- identification keys
- easy-to-use flow chart keys
- specimen information worksheets
- an illustrated glossary
Available in:
- A4 book, spiral bound, 145 pages, high-quality paper, tabs for easy navigation for $50, order code NIN57
- CD with PDF files for $30, order code NIN57CD
- Book plus CD, ordered together for $60, order code NIN57+NIN57CD
Prices are in NZ$ for sales to Australasia/South Pacific and in US$ for sales elsewhere.
For further information, contact: Science Communication, NIWA, Private Bag 14901, Wellington Fax: 0-4-386 0574 [email protected]
See our publications order form to purchase the guide.
Bird’s-eye view of estuaries

‘New Zealand’s estuaries: how they work and the issues that affect them’ is a new resource available on the NIWA website. Malcolm Green provides a crash course in estuaries and their problems, and offers some of the solutions that researchers at NIWA have devised over recent years. The resource brings together over two dozen articles about estuaries from Water & Atmosphere and other sources, using them to explain in greater detail estuarine biology, physical processes, and management issues.
You can read the resource on the website, download a PDF version, or request it on a CD.
For further information, contact: Dr Malcolm Green, 0-7-856 1747, [email protected]
Training at NIWA
Each year NIWA staff teach a number of courses over a wide range of subjects. The courses are geared particularly to meet the needs of council and other agency staff. Some of the courses are held at NIWA and others are staged as in-house training at an agency’s premises. We will be running the following courses in the next six months.
- Paua Farming and Water Quality Management Wellington or Whangarei. Location and date depend on demand.
- Introduction to Marine Aquaculture Wellington. 11 October 2005
- Electric Fishing Machine Operator Christchurch. 12-13 October 2005
- Targeted Riparian Management Tauranga. 19-20 October 2005
- Hydrological Statistics Christchurch. 20 October 2005
- Identification of New Zealand Native Fish Hamilton. 26-27 October 2005
- General Hydrology and Data Collection Operations Christchurch. 31 October-4 November 2005
- Identification of Algae in Rivers and Lakes Christchurch. 26-27 January 2006
- Identification of Wetland Sedges and Rushes Hamilton. 31 January-1 February 2006 Christchurch. 15-16 February 2006
- Identification of Aquatic Macrophytes Wellington. 8-9 February 2006
- General Environmental Datalogging Christchurch. 15-16 February 2006
- Taxonomy and Monitoring of Estuarine Invertebrates Hamilton. 21-22 February 2006
For further information, contact: Melanie McKerchar, 0-3-343 7835, [email protected]
New at Kelly Tarlton’s

The NIWA Interactive Room is a must for the kids. They can touch, experience, experiment, and explore as they learn about science.
Open daily from 9 to 6
23 Tamaki Drive, Orakei, Auckland 0-9-528 0603
Project Q

NIWA staff will star in three episodes of QTV, a new science series for kids. Ashley Rowden, Jim Renwick, and Doug Ramsay feature in segments on marine biodiversity, climate change, and tsunami.
Other NIWA staff appear in the project’s first DVD, Q Careers, where they talk about how and why they got into science and what their jobs entail.
The TV series begins 21 September on TV One, and the careers DVD will be distributed to science teachers and careers advisors at all New Zealand secondary schools.
For further information, contact: Megan Oliver, 0-4-386 0392, [email protected]
Enquiring minds want to know

From seaweed to sucrose and from windmills to wind-ups, science fair projects dominate the winter term for many students around New Zealand. NIWA is proud to sponsor five of the Regional Science and Technology Fairs.
- Bay of Plenty, 10-11 August, Rotorua Convention Centre
- Wellington, 17-20 August, Victoria University of Wellington
- Waikato, 25-27 August, Hamilton Gardens
- Nelson, 5-8 September, Stoke Memorial Hall
- Auckland, 16-20 October, Alexandra Park Raceway