New Centre Leader

Dr Jim Cooke is the new leader of the National Centre for Water Resources.
Jim is a water quality scientist and has led research on non-point-source runoff from pastures, nitrogen cycling and transformations in streams, and nutrient renovation in natural wetlands. Over the last decade, Jim’s focus has been on applications of NIWA’s research through interactions with clients. He has led a large number of consultancy projects, particularly in areas relating to water supply, wastewater treatment, and assessments of environmental effects. He is also the Manager, Environmental Research and Services for NIWA’s Australian subsidiary, NIWA Australia Pty Ltd.
Jim’s vision for the National Centre is for a portal ensuring stakeholders and the public get timely and relevant information on New Zealand’s water resources. He invites feedback from readers on the type of information they would like to see provided by the Centre and how that information should be disseminated.
Contact: [email protected]