Science to respond to our changing climate: teaching climate adaptation

Climate adaptation resources for teachers

Resources to help teach climate adaptation aimed at approximate Year 7-10 students. Includes online game, My coastal futures, and NIWA's climate adaptation toolbox and linked activities.

  • Learning intentions, success criteria and background knowledge

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    This page outlines specific learning intentions, success criteria and key climate change background knowledge for these teaching resources.
  • Introduction: Climate change adaptation and flooding serious game

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    In this lesson, you will play NIWA’s online serious game, My coastal futures.
  • Activity one: You and climate change

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    In this activity, students will determine the potential personal impacts of climate change on things that are important to them.
  • Activity two: Climate change – up close and personal

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    As ‘climate journalists’, students will research a recent significant local or national climate related event.
  • Activity three: Predicting the unpredictable – future climate effects

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    Building on their knowledge of the local climate and any recent events, students explore predicted impacts of climate change.
  • Activity four: Adapting to change

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    Students will explore possible adaptation options using the criteria of cost, ease, timeliness, and any limitations, including uncertainty.
  • Activity five: Planning for uncertainty

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    Students will apply understanding gained from previous activities and will engage in the uncertainty of climate change and its implications.