Atmospheric analysis

NIWA has been using advanced scientific instruments to measure atmospheric trace gases and isotopes for over 50 years.

  • Spatially explicit disturbance/recovery models

    Spatially explicit disturbance/recovery models are a cellular automaton that uses a mechanistic approach to investigate recovery rates of benthic species following disturbance events.
  • Resource trade-off models

    Resource trade-off models are spatial models that use biological, environmental and socio-economic data to optimise management (protected area designation) across potentially conflicting uses, or across different ecosystem services.
  • (no image provided)

    MICE model of predator-prey interactions in fisheries stock assessment

    MICE (Models of Intermediate Complexity) is a type of ecosystem model that is question-driven, and contains a limited number of components and ecological processes.
  • ROMS coupled physical-biologeochemical modelling

  • Ecosystem Modelling at NIWA

    At NIWA, we consider all components of the marine ecosystem important when trying to better understand the role of dynamic, ecosystem processes on the distribution and abundance of marine organisms in New Zealand’s marine environments.
  • (no image provided)

    Aquatic invertebrate traits database

    Approximately 500 Aquatic invertebrate taxa are described in this database, made available to assist with the identification of specimens.
  • NIWA's Hotspot Watch for 2 November 2017

    A weekly update describing soil moisture across the country to help assess whether severely to extremely dry conditions are occurring or imminent. Regions experiencing these soil moisture deficits are deemed “hotspots”. Persistent hotspot regions have the potential to develop into drought.
  • Extended warmth for South Island

    Media release
    A large area of high pressure will take up residence east of New Zealand for the next few days, bringing more unusual springtime warmth to parts of the South Island from tomorrow through to late next week, says NIWA forecaster Seth Carrier.
  • NIWA's Hotspot Watch for 26 October 2017

    A weekly update describing soil moisture across the country to help assess whether severely to extremely dry conditions are occurring or imminent. Across the North Island, soil moisture levels have generally not changed significantly during the past week, while across the South Island, soil moisture levels have generally decreased.
  • Monitoring air quality in your neighbourhood

  • Southern spring sizzle sets records

    Media release
    An immense dome of high pressure stretched across the Tasman Sea onto the South Island yesterday, bringing the highest temperatures across New Zealand since April.
  • NIWA's Hotspot Watch for 19 October 2017

    The first weekly update for the 2017-18 summer describing soil moisture across the country to help assess whether severely to extremely dry conditions are occurring or imminent.