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Water & Atmosphere is getting a make-over
This is the last issue of Water & Atmosphere in its current form.
We’re planning a magazine with broader scope, with features by leading scientists and science journalists. We’ll cover policy-relevant science on the pressing environmental issues facing New Zealand and the world. We’ll take you on voyages of discovery from the bottom of the sea to the top of the atmosphere. And we’ll continue to showcase NIWA’s distinctive imagery.
This is a big job for a small team, so there will be a break in the publishing schedule while we work on the redesign. We plan to launch the all-new Water & Atmosphere early in 2010.
In its current format, Water & Atmosphere has been with us for many years. The first issue came out in December 1992, when NIWA was NIWAR – a very different organisation in a very different world of communication. These days, we’re using e-mail, the Internet, and even texting, much more for our ‘routine’ communication and service delivery, motivated by our desire to operate sustainably and to get science-based information to you when and where you need it.
You can keep in touch with developments in environmental science through our revamped website and our new e-newsletters. Water & Atmosphere will be back next year, in print and on our website. Look out for it – it will be stunning.
For further information, contact: Geoff Baird, General Manager, Communications & Marketing, 0-4-386 0543, [email protected]
NIWA’s new front door – see www.niwa.co.nz

The website is one of our key tools for communicating with you. Whether you want to know how much rain fell last month or our outlook for winter, how healthy your stream is, how big the waves off your coast will be, or what to expect for tomorrow’s UV levels, you can find it – and much more – on our redesigned website.
Not only have we transformed the look and feel, we’ve also vastly improved the navigation: you’ll find it much easier to get your answers. The site is organised around our National Science Centres. So if you’re interested in the climate, for example, go to our National Climate Centre. There you can see all our climate-related science and services – our seasonal outlooks and monthly climate summaries, get access to the National Climate database, read about our current research, see the news, check for recent publications or upcoming events, register for our e-newsletters, or contact one of our science staff.
We’ll be continually developing the site – making sure it has the upto- date information you want, and the innovative products and services you need, to run your life or your business. Check it out: it’s informative, innovative, dynamic – and it’s just the start.
For further information, contact: Tom Murphy, Web Editor, 0-4-386 0841, [email protected]
Continuing resource for teachers
NIWA has always supported science education at secondary schools, through sponsorship of regional science and technology fairs and within the pages of Water & Atmosphere. For most of its publication history, the magazine has been distributed to all New Zealand secondary schools, either to the science department or to the library. Teachers have found it a useful resource for their science classes, particularly for their Year 13 students.
Since 2001, each main article has included links to the NCEA curriculum; these have been supplied by NZSMT Teacher Fellows working at NIWA. You’ll find eight years of the magazine and the ‘Curriculum Connections’ archived on the NIWA website for your continued use.
If you want to fill any gaps in your classroom or library collection of Water & Atmosphere, please contact the editor by email. Back issues will be supplied, as available, on a first-come first-served basis. Be sure to specify which issue(s) you need and include a postal address and a contact phone number. Send your email to: [email protected]
NIWA newsletters
We’re changing the way we keep you up-to-date with science news from NIWA. In the future, all our National Centre newsletters will be delivered by email.
Our aim: to bring you news of our latest science discoveries more quickly, more sustainably, and in a way that allows you easy access to more detailed science information.
If you’d like to receive our free e-newsletters, email us: at [email protected], and write subscribe in the subject line.