A tool to support decision-making on the suitability of RotoTurf for your waterbody.
Is your degraded lake suitable for using RotoTurf to restore native aquatic plants?
Is now the right time or do you need to do more to ensure the success of your time and money investment in RotoTurf?
The RotoTurf suitability decision tool has been developed to guide your decision-making process and to identify any areas that may be improved prior to using Rototurf.
The tool assesses your catchment, biosecurity, waterbody, habitat and macrophyte environment and management; then rates the likelihood of successful macrophyte translocation using RotoTurf.
Set aside 10 mins to answer the 20 questions in the tool. Take note of your results in each section and your overall score before returning to this page to assess your results.
Results summary
What was your overall score? Check it against the success graphic below.

Were there areas that you scored low but that could be improved with the gathering of data/knowledge and planning or changes to your waterbody management? Improve your future success rating by filling gaps.
Low rated criteria | Suggested follow-up action |
Catchment constraints | |
No or unclear goal or objective for macrophyte restoration | Develop clear goal or objective |
No or unclear catchment management plan | Develop and implement catchment management plan |
Biosecurity constraints | |
There are aquatic pests in the waterbody | Develop and implement a pest management plan |
Can aquatic pests enter the waterway | Assess and manage pest introduction pathways |
Waterbody constraints | |
There is no or little water quality monitoring | Monitor water quality for macrophyte suitability |
Water quality is not suitable for macrophytes | Assess in-lake mitigations to improve water quality |
There are no or few safe sites for macrophytes | Assess in-lake mitigations to improve habitat availability |
Macrophyte constraints | |
No or few macrophyte records exist for the waterbody | Look to other waterbodies in the area for potential information. Use information to apply for translocation approvals. |
Native plants with a threat status are present | Confirm goals and approvals to protect these |
The available species do not match the habitat that is available | Reconsider goals and objectives for mitigation. Obtain approvals to collect/translocate plants. |
The RotoTurf Suitability Decision Tool is part of the suite of tools developed by the RotoTurf research project; a Smart Idea funded by the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment (MBIE).