RotoTurf suitability decision tool

Level 1: Catchment constraints

Questions Score 1 Score 2 Score 3 N/A
SCORE 1 - No catchment management plan | SCORE 2 - Catchment management plan is in progress | SCORE 3 - Catchment management plan completed
SCORE 1 - Nutrient/sediment loads not known | SCORE 2 - Nutrient/sediment loads known | SCORE 3 - Nutrient/sediment loads known and mitigation measures in place
SCORE 1 - Unmodified drains run to waterbody | SCORE 2 - Drains are partially diverted | SCORE 3 - Drains are diverted to wetlands or settlement ponds
SCORE 1 - Majority of riparian zones are neither fenced nor retired | SCORE 2 - Riparian zones fenced and retired over 60% of catchment | SCORE 3 - Riparian zones fenced, retired and planted over 80% of catchment
SCORE 1 - No wetlands within catchment | SCORE 2 - Wetlands present but not fenced | SCORE 3 - Wetlands present and are fenced
What was your score for Level 1?

Error message

×Follow-up action: 1) Develop a clear goal or objective 2) Development catchment management plan

Status message

×Well done! You have scored well in Catchment constraints section.

Level 2: Biosecurity constraints

Are aquatic pests in the waterbody?

Status message

Follow-up action: Develop pest management plan
Questions Score 1 Score 2 Score 3
SCORE 1 - Pest plants (unwanted organisms) are present in the lake | SCORE 2 - Non-native plants are in the lake | SCORE 3 - No non-native plants are in the lake
SCORE 1 - Pest fish are present in the lake | SCORE 2 - Pest fish are not present in the lake | SCORE 3 - No pest fish are known from the lake or connected watershed
SCORE 1 - High-risk pathways exist for pest transfer that are not managed | SCORE 2 - High-risk pathways exist for pest transfer that are managed | SCORE 3 - High-risk pathways for pest transfer are unlikely
What was your score for Level 2?
Can aquatic pests enter the waterbody?

Status message

Follow-up action: Assess and manage pest introduction pathways

Level 3: Waterbody constraints

Has water quality been monitored?

Status message

Follow-up action: Monitor water quality for macrophytes
Questions Score 1 Score 2 Score 3
SCORE 1 - Total nitrogen >2 mg/L and Total phosphorus >0.2 mg/L | SCORE 2 - Total nitrogen >1.2 to <2 mg/L and Total phosphorus >0.1 to <0.2 mg/L | SCORE 3 - Total nitrogen <1.1 mg/L and Total phosphorus <0.09 mg/L
SCORE 1 - Algal blooms* are persistent | SCORE 2 - Algal blooms* are common | SCORE 3 - Algal blooms* are occasional
SCORE 1 - Secchi Disk (or Black Disk) measurement is <0.7 m | SCORE 2 - Secchi Disk measurement is > 0.7 m and < 1.5 m | SCORE 3 - Secchi Disk measurement is > 1.5 m
SCORE 1 - Salinity is > 8 PSU and/or pH is <6.5 or >9 | SCORE 2 - Salinity is 2-8 PSU and/or pH is 6.5 to 7 or 8 to 9 | SCORE 3 - Salinity is < 2 PSU and/or pH is 7-8

*Chlorophyll a >12 mg L/1 (National Policy Statement for Freshwater Management National Bottom Line Nutrients Qui et al. 2001, Xu et al. 2019)

Secchi Disk Gettys and Haller 2012   

What was your score for Level 3?

Level 4: Habitat constraints

Are safe sites extensive for macrophytes?

Status message

Follow-up action: Assess in-lake mitigations to improve water quality
Questions Score 1 Score 2 Score 3
SCORE 1 - Contours of restoration lake are not known | SCORE 2 - Contours of parts of the restoration lake are known | SCORE 3 - Contours of restoration lake are known
SCORE 1 - Secchi depth (SD) to water depth (WD) ratio of restoration site is > 0.67 | SCORE 2 - SD/WD ratio of restoration site is 0.40 to 0.67 | SCORE 3 - SD/WD ratio of restoration site is > 0.40
SCORE 1 - Water level fluctuation range (WLF) is not known and cannot be managed | SCORE 2 - Water level fluctuation range (WLF) is not known but can be managed | SCORE 3 - Water level fluctuation range (WLF) is known and can be managed
SCORE 1 - SD/WLF ratio is <1 | SCORE 2 - WLF/SD ratio is 1 to 2 | SCORE 3 - WLF/SD ratio is >2
SCORE 1 - Sediment density is low (<0.2 g ml/1) or high (>0.9 g ml/1) | SCORE 2 - Sediment density 0.2 to 0.7 g ml/1 | SCORE 3 - Sediment density is between 0.8 and 0.9 g ml/1
SCORE 1 - Maximum wave fetch at restoration site is >3 km | SCORE 2 - Maximum wave fetch at restoration site is >0.1 km to <3 km | SCORE 3 - Maximum wave fetch at restoration site is <0.1 km
What was your score for Level 4?

Level 5: Macrophyte constraints

Are macrophytes present or in connected areas?
Questions Score 1 Score 2 Score 3
SCORE 1 - No submerged macrophytes are known from the restoration site or connected areas | SCORE 2 - Macrophytes are known from connected areas only | SCORE 3 - Macrophytes are present in the restoration area
SCORE 1 - Only 1 or 2 aquatic plant species are available | SCORE 2 - Species of 1 or 2 community types are available | SCORE 3 - Over 6 species and four community types are available
SCORE 1 - Rare species are present that require specialist conditions | SCORE 3 - No rare species are present
What was your score for Level 5?
Are weed species present?

Status message

Follow-up action: See level 2 Biosecurity constraints
Are native plants with a threat status present?

Status message

Follow-up action: Confirm goals & approvals to protect these species
Do available species match habitat that is available?

Status message

Follow-up action: Reconsider goals and objectives or mitigations

Status message

Follow-up action: Obtain approvals to collect/translocate plants
Do past macrophyte records exist for the waterbody?

Status message

Follow-up action: 1. Look to other waterbodies in the area for potential spp. 2. Use information to apply for translocation approvals

Status message

Follow-up action: Use information to apply for translocation approvals
What was your final score?

Error message

Based on your overall score, your lake is NOT suitable for using RotoTurf to restore native aquatic plants.

Status message

Based on your overall score, your lake is potentially suitable for using RotoTurf to restore native aquatic plants.

Status message

Based on your overall score, your lake is suitable for using RotoTurf to restore native aquatic plants.

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