Sources of South Pacific rainfall data
This bulletin is a multi-national project with important collaboration from the following Pacific nations:
American Samoa Australia Cook Islands Fiji French Polynesia Kiribati New Caledonia New Zealand Niue Papua New Guinea Pitcairn Island Samoa Solomon Islands Tokelau Tonga Tuvalu Vanuatu
International Partners:
Meteo France - New Caledonia - French Polynesia Bureau of Meteorology (Australia) National Oceanic and Atmospherica Administration (USA) - National Weather Services - Climate Prediction Centre The International Research Institute for Climate and Society (USA) The UK Met Office European Centre for Medium-term Weather Forecast
Requests for Pacific island climate data should be directed to the Meteorological Services concerned.
Your comments and ideas about the Island Climate Update are welcome. Please contact:
Dr Andrew Lorrey, NIWA, 41 Market Place, Auckland, New Zealand E-mail:
Forecasts: Dr. Andrew Lorrey (South Pacific rainfall and SST forecasts) and the NIWA National Climate Centre (ENSO wrap).
ICU Editors: Andrew Lorrey E-mail: James Renwick Email: Davina Ashford Email:
This bulletin is produced by NIWA and made possible with financial support from the New Zealand Agency for International Development (NZAID), with additional support from the Pacific Islands Applied Geosciences Commission (SOPAC) and the Secretariat for the Pacific Regional Environmental Programme (SPREP).
This summary is prepared as soon as possible following the end of the month, once the data and information are received from the Pacific Island meteorological services. Delays in data collection and communication occasionally arise. While every effort is made to verify observational data, NIWA does not guarantee the accuracy and reliability of the analysis and forecast information presented, and accepts no liability for any losses incurred through the use of this bulletin and its contents.
The contents of the Island Climate Update may be freely disseminated provided the source is acknowledged.