
We provide public information on river, lake, and groundwater conditions across New Zealand including freshwater quantity and quality.

  • Nutrients and urbanisation

    What are the potential sources of nutrients from urbanisation?
  • (no image provided)

    Chemical contamination and urbanisation

    What are the sources of chemical contamination resulting from urbanisation?
  • Riparian vegetation and horticulture

    How may horticultural activities impact riparian vegetation around a waterway?
  • (no image provided)

    Water resources and horticulture

    How do horticultural activities potentially influence water flows?
  • (no image provided)

    Chemical contamination and horticulture

    What are the potential sources of chemical contamination from horticulture activities?
  • (no image provided)

    Nutrients and horticulture

    What are the potential sources of nutrients from horticultural activities?
  • (no image provided)

    Sediment and horticulture

    How may horticultural activities increase sediments in waterways?
  • (no image provided)

    Instream barriers and forestry

    How do instream barriers as a result of forestry activities potentially influence water resources?
  • Riparian vegetation and forestry

    How may forestry activities impact riparian vegetation around a waterway?
  • Chemical contamination and forestry

    What are the potential sources of chemical contamination from forestry activities?
  • Nutrients and agriculture

    What are the potential sources of nutrients from agricultural activities?
  • Discharges

    Discharging into a waterway is likely to impact water quality.