Climate & Weather

Understanding our variable and changing climate is critical for managing resources and reducing risks.

  • NIWA's Hotspot Watch 28 November 2014

    Weekly update to help media assess likelihood of extremely dry weather preceding a drought.
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    Regional climatologies

    Publication series
    A regional climatology is a summary of the typical weather and climate of a region, based on historical data observations made at climate stations located within the region.
  • Chatham Islands

    The weather of the Chatham Islands is marked by rapid changes of conditions, and typically windy cloudy conditions.
  • Nelson and Tasman

    Nelson City and Tasman District are located in the most north-westerly part of the South Island and generally are the first to be influenced by weather systems moving onto the island from the north.
  • Wellington

    The climate and weather of the Wellington region is characterised by strong variations in space and time, strongly influenced by the presence of Cook Straight and the rugged local topography.
  • Taranaki

    The climate of Taranaki is determined largely by its position in relation to the large scale weather patterns affecting New Zealand.
  • Hawkes Bay

    The climate of Hawke’s Bay is influenced largely by the orography and the airstreams crossing New Zealand.
  • Auckland

    Auckland experiences a subtropical climate. The region lies some 13° of latitude south of the Tropic of Capricorn, so tropical plants which are protected for the winter months will flower and fruit in the summer.
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    Climate change poses risk of irreversible impacts: IPCC report

    News article
    Human influence on the climate system is clear and growing, with impacts observed on all continents.
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    Dry spells take hold in South Island

    News article
    Many areas in the South Island are tracking towards record dry spells as relatively warm, dry weather that began in mid-August continues
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    Science and Innovation Minister Steven Joyce officially launches the Deep South Challenge

    News article
    The Government’s Deep South National Science Challenge provides an unprecedented opportunity for scientific collaboration that will ultimately improve the lives of all New Zealanders.
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    Vehicle Ventilation Model.