Climate & Weather

Understanding our variable and changing climate is critical for managing resources and reducing risks.

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    How do we determine past climate?

    Information about past climate is obtained from piecing evidence together from various sources.
  • HIRDS-resources-thumbnail

    HIRDSv4 Usage

    NIWA's High Intensity Rainfall Design System (HIRDS) offers planners and engineers more certainty about the frequency of high-intensity rainfall events, enabling them to better design stormwater drainage, flood defence systems and other vital structures.
  • Waikato

    Waikato exhibits a range of climates due to the variety of landscapes in the region.
  • Climate data and activities

    We provide an overview of New Zealand climate data for use in school projects.
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    Bay of Plenty

  • Regional modelling of New Zealand climate

    Research Project
    Developing probabilistic scenarios of expected future regional climate changes.
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    'Eleven-station' series temperature data

    Research Project
    Temperature trends from 1930s to present day
  • Bay of Plenty

    The topography of the North Island has a profound effect on the weather of the Bay of Plenty region.
  • NZ's warmest and wettest winter on record

    Media release
    NIWA’s climate scientists can now confirm what you may have suspected. After carefully poring through more than a century’s worth of data, it has been officially determined that winter 2022 was Aotearoa New Zealand’s warmest and wettest on record.
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    Mean 10cm earth temperature (°C)

    These datasets are available in a range of formats.
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    Map E North

    Eastern North Island
    Gisborne, Napier, Masterton
    Sheltered by high country to the west, this zone enjoys a dry, sunny climate. Warm dry settled weather predominates in summer. Frosts may occur in winter. Typical summer daytime maximum air temperatures range from 20°C to 28°C, occasionally rising above 30°C. High temperatures are frequent in summer, which may be accompanied by strong dry foehn winds from the northwest. Extreme temperatures as high as 39°C have been recorded. Winter is mild in the north of this region and cooler in the south.