Climate & Weather

Understanding our variable and changing climate is critical for managing resources and reducing risks.

  • Tiny air bubbles reveal new information about greenhouse gas emissions

    Media release
    Sitting at the surface of Taylor Glacier in Antarctica, are layers of ice more than 10,000 years old. And trapped inside those layers are bubbles of ancient air – like tiny time capsules - able to tell scientists a story about what the world used to be like and how humans have changed it.
  • Wellington will get significantly warmer, new climate change report shows

    Media release
    Wellington city will have warmer autumns, almost a month of days over 25°C and up to 10 per cent more winter rain by 2090, according to a new NIWA climate report.
  • Climate change and variability - report for the Greater Wellington Region

  • Climate change will cause more deaths from air pollution, study finds

    Media release
    New research estimates that if climate change goes unchecked 60,000 more people will die globally from air pollution in 2030 – just 13 years away.
  • So far, so stormy

    Media release
    Today’s low came spinning off the coast of Hawke’s Bay funneling strong winds through the Cook Strait and hitting Wellington region with strong winds before moving on to Taranaki and Auckland this afternoon.
  • Average soil moisture deficit onset and termination maps

    Maps of the average first and last dates of soil moisture deficit are shown here.
  • Daily climate maps

    These climate maps are updated daily and are based on data from our National Climate Database.
  • Southland

    Southland is both the most southerly and most westerly part of New Zealand and generally is the first to be influenced by weather systems moving onto the country from the west or south.
  • Snow depth

    Ideas for projects using climate data

    Education Resource
    Ideas for projects using climate data
  • Winter 2020 – NZ’s warmest winter on record

    Media release
    New Zealand has just experienced its warmest winter on record, according to official NIWA climate data.
  • National and regional climate maps

    Research Project
    Maps of average annual rainfall, temperature and other climate variables have been produced for all of New Zealand, based on the period 1981–2010.
  • (no image provided)

    NIWA staff profile: Nava Fedaeff

    Feature story
    At the age of seven, NIWA’s youngest climate scientist, Nava Fedaeff, swapped sub-arctic Siberia for balmy Auckland – and her first job was to learn to swim.