Atmospheric analysis

NIWA has been using advanced scientific instruments to measure atmospheric trace gases and isotopes for over 50 years.

  • Air quality updates during Covid19 level restrictions

    Publication series
    Changes in New Zealand air quality due to COVID-19 level restrictions.
  • Critter of the Week: Xenophora (Xenophora) neozelanica neozelanica - the shell collector

    This week we look at a gastropod that cements other mollusc shells, small stones, dead coral or any other miscellaneous handy debris to the outside of its shell as it grows.
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    Global experts confirm NIWA's finding on Southwest Pacific's coldest ever temperature

    Media release
    A World Meteorological Organisation panel has confirmed a finding that a temperature of -25.6°C observed at Eweburn, Ranfurly in New Zealand on 17 July 1903 is the coldest temperature recorded for the Southwest Pacific Region.
  • NIWA’s research receives international recognition

    World-class climate and ozone research by scientists at NIWA’s Lauder Atmospheric Research Station has been recognised by meteorology’s leading organisation in Geneva, making Lauder the fourth upper-air site in the world to be certified by the global climate-data network.
  • Critter of the Week: phyllosoma

    This week we’re showing you something a little different. No, it’s not a member of a specific species – instead, it’s a phyllosoma.
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    Name the Glider

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    Water sampling for primary productivity

  • Critter of the Week: the spikey amphipod - Labriphimedia pulchridentata

    This week it is International Museum week on Twitter so we thought we would bring you a story about an exciting find in our NIWA Invertebrate Collection archives.
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    Is extreme weather the new normal?

    News article
    New Zealanders have just experienced one of the driest summers on record – great for beachgoers and cricket lovers, but far from ideal for farmers and orchardists relying on rain to maintain productivity.
  • World Cup weather forecast: NZ vs South Africa

    NIWA's Chris Brandolino presents the match day weather forecast ahead of New Zealand's World Cup semi-final against South Africa.
  • NIWA's Hotspot Watch

    Weekly update to help media assess likelihood of extremely dry weather preceding a drought. Regions experiencing severely to extremely drier than normal soils conditions are deemed “hotspots”.
  • A mother humpback whale and her calf surface for air.

    2015 - Antarctic Ecosystems

    The six-week New Zealand-Antarctic Ecosystem Voyage saw RV Tangaroa travel through the Southern Ocean to the Ross Sea to conduct a range of scientific fieldwork. The voyage was a collaboration between Antarctica New Zealand, NIWA and the Australian Antarctic Division.