Dr Felix Zareie-Vaux

Marine Biosecurity Scientist


PhD (Massey University), BSc Hons (University of Exeter)


Contact Details


Felix is a Marine Biosecurity Scientist. His research focus is evolutionary ecology and his work helps with the interpretation, management and conservation of populations, species, and further biological diversity. Felix has expertise in genomics and bioinformatics, and he is particularly experienced with reduced-representation sequencing (e.g. RADseq, GBS), small whole-genome sequencing (i.e. bacterial WGS), and geometric morphometric analyses. Felix conducts research on a wide variety of organisms and is interested in detecting, tracking and eliminating invasive species.

Research Outputs

First genomic snapshots of recolonising lineages following a devastating earthquake

Vaux F., Parvizi E., Duffy G.A., Dutoit L., Craw D., Waters J.M. and Fraser C.I.

Genotyping-by-sequencing for biogeography

Vaux F., Dutoit L., Fraser C.I. and Waters J.M.

Parallel recolonisations generate distinct genomic sectors in kelp following high magnitude earthquake disturbance

Vaux F., Parvizi E., Craw D., Fraser C.I. and Waters J.M.

Adaptive markers distinguish North and South Pacific Albacore amid low population differentiation

Vaux F., Bohn S., Hyde J.R. and O'Malley K.G.

Lineage identification affects estimates of evolutionary mode in marine snails

Vaux F., Gemmell M.R., Hills S.F.K., Marshall B.A., Beu A.G., Crampton J.S.C., Trewick S.A. and Morgan-Richards M.

Sex matters: otolith shape and genomic variation in deacon rockfish (Sebastes diaconus)

Vaux F., Rasmuson L.K., Kautzi L.A., Rankin P.S., Blume M.T.O., Lawrence K.A., Bohn S. and O’Malley K.G

External Profiles