NIWA is part of an international collaboration to understand ocean acidification and how increasing ocean acidity will affect the shellfish and aquaculture industry.
The video below has been produced to highlight ocean acidification as an issue with the potential to affect the New Zealand shellfish aquaculture industry.
Future-proofing New Zealand's aquaculture
The video is a direct result of the collaborative New Zealand-United States workshop 'Future proofing New Zealand’s shellfish aquaculture: monitoring and adaptation to ocean acidification', organised by NIWA, MPI, Cawthron Institute and US colleagues in December 2013.
Ocean acidification and the Oceans 2014 conference
This week, US Secretary of State John Kerry is hosting the Our Ocean conference, that is focusing on addressing three major threats to the sea — overfishing, marine pollution and ocean acidification. The video above will be featured at the conference and on its website. Offical website of the conference: