NIWA’s Rob Murdoch wins Marine Sciences Award

Dr Rob Murdoch, General Manager of Research at NIWA has won the prestigious New Zealand Marine Sciences Society Award.

Dr Rob Murdoch, General Manager of Research at NIWA has won the prestigious New Zealand Marine Sciences Society Award.

The award was presented to Dr Murdoch for his outstanding contribution to marine science at the New Zealand Marine Science Society Conference in Auckland last night.

“It’s a privilege to present this award, on behalf of NZMSS, to Dr Rob Murdoch,” said Dr Helen Neil, President, NZMSS. “Rob’s significant involvement across a broad spectrum of marine science makes him a worthy recipient of the award.”

Dr Murdoch has had a major influence on the extent and direction of marine and natural resource science in New Zealand, through his oceanographic research career and latterly his senior roles at NIWA, and his valuable contributions on numerous advisory boards and panels, including WWF New Zealand and the Antarctic Research Institute. Dr Murdoch has also been a guiding hand to the careers of many marine scientists.

He continues to play a key role in ensuring that New Zealand’s oceanographic research capability is world class and provides the sophisticated state-of-the-art platforms New Zealand needs to enhance the benefits of our vast marine environment.

Dr Murdoch has been the recipient of numerous awards including the 2011 Prime Minister’s Science Prize jointly awarded with NIWA and University of Otago colleagues for their work in iron fertilisation as a process for reducing atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, and the Royal Society’s Thomson Medal in 2014 for his contribution to the development of environmental science in New Zealand as science leader.

Dr Murdoch was also recognised by his NIWA colleagues with an Extraordinary Achievement Award in NIWA’s 2014 Excellence Awards for his role in the development of the two National Science Challenges NIWA hosts and the three others in which it is a key collaborator.

“Auckland Museum is a proud sponsor of this award, which recognises the importance of marine research and the benefits of this for New Zealand society,” says David Reeves, Auckland Museum Director Collections and Research.  

Marine Sciences Society President Helen Neil, Rob Murdoch and Tom Trnski, Head of Natural Sciences at Auckland War Memorial Museum. [NIWA]
Science leader: Rob Murdoch. [NIWA]
In the field. Rob Murdoch with penguins during the Our Far South expedition to Antarctica. [NIWA]