Climate & Weather

Understanding our variable and changing climate is critical for managing resources and reducing risks.

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    Prime Minister inspects NIWA product at Fieldays

    News article
    Prime Minister John Key and Science and Innovation Minister Steven Joyce had a surprise meeting at NIWA's Fieldays stand today.
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    Off to Fieldays? We don’t want to dampen your spirits but…

    News article
    NIWA has a message for opening day visitors to the rural sector’s biggest event of the year: go prepared.
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    Climate outlook for May - July released

    News article
    Our outlooks indicate the likelihood of climate conditions being at, above, or below average for the season as a whole, at a national and regional level.
  • NatHERS climate files 2012

    The Commonwealth of Australia as represented by the Department of Industry (the Commonwealth) has developed Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS) climate files 2012 compiled from Bureau of Meteorology (BOM) raw climate data and then used to complete a typical year for every NatHERS climate zone in Australia.
  • Ice divers

    A specialist dive team venture under the Antarctic sea ice to work on an ocean acidification experiment, and they bring back some breath taking video of the environment along the way.
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    New Zealand facing greater weather extremes: international report

    News article
    New Zealand will get hotter, have more heavy rainfalls, and experience more days when the fire risk is extreme, the latest international report on climate change impacts reveals.
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    Media advisory: climate change report

    Media release
    Journalists are advised that the latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) is to be released in Yokohama, Japan at 1pm (NZ time) on Monday, 31 M
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    The weather of Christmasses past and present

    News article
    If you can't beat Wellington on a good day, you can't beat it on Christmas Day either.
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    Temperatures soar into record books 26 November 2013

    Media release
    A spell of settled sunny weather around the country has been breaking temperature records, NIWA figures show.
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    Court of Appeal awards costs to NIWA

    News article
    The Court of Appeal has awarded costs to NIWA following a decision by the New Zealand Climate Education Trust to withdraw its appeal against a High Court ruling which confirmed the integrity of NIWA's climate science.
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    NIWA’s climate science vindicated in Court of Appeal

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    Southwest Pacific Tropical Cyclone Outlook: Near average tropical cyclone numbers for the region is likely, with increased activity in the late season

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