Climate & Weather

Understanding our variable and changing climate is critical for managing resources and reducing risks.

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    Mean monthly sunshine (hours)

    These datasets are available in a range of formats.
  • Coconut palms against the night sky in Tongatapu

    Island Climate Update

    Publication series
    A monthly summary of the climate in the tropical South Pacific islands, with an outlook for the coming months.
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    How deep is the snow at your place?

    Measurements of snowfall at low elevations around New Zealand are few and far between, and yet the data would be really helpful in understanding how snowfall occurs and quantifying snow-related risks.
  • Urban Infrastructure and the Built Environment Toolbox

    This helps planners, engineers, asset managers, and hazard analysts in urban councils understand and evaluate the potential impacts of climate change.
  • Snow depth

    Ideas for projects using climate data

    Education Resource
    Ideas for projects using climate data
  • Winter 2020 – NZ’s warmest winter on record

    Media release
    New Zealand has just experienced its warmest winter on record, according to official NIWA climate data.
  • Southwest Pacific climate

    Our southwest Pacific research focuses on recent and historic climate and weather activity, including our involvement in ACRE Pacific data rescue.
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    Mean monthly wet-days

    These datasets are available in a range of formats.
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    Hawkes Bay

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    NZ Drought indicator products and information

    Drought is a common feature of New Zealand's climate. On average, every year or two somewhere in New Zealand experiences a drought.
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    Investigating ocean acidification

    Feature story
    The world’s oceans are acidifying as a result of the carbon dioxide (CO2) generated by humanity.