Partners and funding

Read about our key partnerships and funding for this voyage.

The New Zealand-Australia Ecosystems Voyage is supported by funding from Antarctica New Zealand (ANZ), Australian Antarctic Division (AAD) and NIWA.

International collaboration

The science projects include collaboration with other nations including Australia, Italy, Korea and the United States.

This is in keeping with a key priority of the New Zealand Antarctic and Southern Ocean Science Directions and Priorities 2010–2020: to create larger collaborative programmes of research, especially when undertaking ship-based marine research.

View the New Zealand Antarctic & Southern Ocean Science Directions and Priorities 2010 - 2020 document on Antarctica New Zealand's website.

Key partners

Antarctica New Zealand

Antarctica New Zealand is the Crown Entity responsible for developing, managing and executing New Zealand Government activites in Antactica and the Southern Ocean, in particular the Ross Dependency. Antarctica New Zealand manages Scott Base, New Zealand's Antarctic research station, and has provided funding support for this voyage.

Antarctica New Zealand website

Australian Antarctic Division

The Australian Antarctic Division (AAD) is responsible for advancement of Australia's strategic, scientific, environmental and economic interests in the Antarctic by protecting, administering and researching the region. Collaboration with AAD is fundamental to two of our science objectives and their support represents a contribution by Australia to the multinational Southern Ocean Research Partnership (IWC – SORP).

Australian Antarctic Division website

Sir Peter Blake Trust 

On board will be two University of Otago science students who are acompanying the voyage as part of the Sir Peter Blake Trust ambasador programme. 

Visit the Sir Peter Blake Trust website

Other partners and collaborations

Southern Ocean Research Partnership

The Southern Ocean Research Partnership (SORP) is an initiative of the International Whaling Commission to promote cooperative, coordinated and strategic non-lethal whale research around Antarctica.

New Zealand and Australia are both member states of SORP and data from this voyage is likely to contribute to all of SORP's long-term research projects.

Visit the SORP website

Scripps Institution of Oceanography and University of Washington (USA)

Scripps are providing the Argo floats that will be deployed during the transits from Wellington to Antarctica and back.

Scripps Institution of Oceanography

Colorado State University, in conjunction with Scripps, will also collaborate on collection of underway atmospheric chemistry measurements.

University of Canterbury

University of Canterbury (New Zealand) Associate Professor Adrian McDonald will be installing a ceilometer on Tangaroa during the voyage to allow measurements of cloud properties and boundary layer height in the Southern Ocean.

Italian Research Programme in Antarctica

Dr Marino Vacchi of the Italian Research Programme in Antarctica is collaborating on the deployment of a moored echosounder in Terra Nova Bay.

New Zealand's Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment 

We also acknowledge the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment for their part-funding of this voyage.