Our service is blooming

Do you have an algal bloom problem? Is the bloom potentially toxic? Do the concentrations of blue-green algae exceed health guidelines for drinking water, stock water, or recreation? What can you do about it?
NIWA operates a laboratory specialising in the analysis of blue-green algae. The service is proving popular with water supply and water treatment clients alike, with a doubling in the number of samples processed this year. We determine which blue-green algae are present, conduct cell counts, and identify potentially toxic species. Our partners, AgResearch, provide toxin testing for microcystin and nodularin toxins. We also tailor services to meet particular client needs.
This autumn, the calm, warm weather has increased client concern about blue-green algal blooms in rivers, lakes, and ponds.
For more information, email [email protected] or call 0-7-856 7026.