Freshwater services

Our goal is to bridge the gap between science and the community in the field of freshwater resources, by providing science, technology and resource management services to New Zealand.

Our goal is to bridge the gap between science and the community in the field of freshwater resources, by providing science, technology and resource management services to New Zealand.

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    Climate change freshwater impacts assessments

    New Zealand’s climate is changing – and so are our freshwaters. NIWA is leading the way in understanding and helping New Zealanders best prepare for these changes.
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    Water Allocation Impacts on River Attributes (WAIORA)

    WAIORA is a decision-support system designed to provide guidance on whether a water abstraction or discharge could have adverse impacts on a number of environmental parameters.
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    CLUES – Catchment Land Use for Environmental Sustainability model

    The Catchment Land Use for Environmental Sustainability (CLUES) model is being transferred from the ArcMap GIS environment to ArcGIS Pro and we are looking for volunteers to help test the new model interface with a limited Beta release of the model.
  • Specialist analytical services

    Find out more about our specialist analytical services.
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    Flow assessment and management

    We offer a range of flow assessment and management services.
  • Freshwater species and habitat management

    Find out how we can help you with freshwater species and habitat management.
  • Stormwater management

    NIWA has a range of services and research capabilities to assist with assessing and managing the effects of stormwater and urban development on streams, estuaries and harbours.
  • Water quality monitoring and advice

    More information about our water quality monitoring and advice services.