For each location, send us your 10 snow depth measurements (in mm) and whatever snow water equivalent (snow density) measurements you made. Be sure to include a description of this location (e.g., in my garden, in a park) as well as a post code (address is optional and will be kept confidential).
Also, make sure you include the location of the measurements and the date and time of observation.
What will happen to the data?
The data will be given to any scientific study that asks for it. No personal information such as personal details and address will be made available.
If we have enough data, we'll develop a Google Map, shortly following the event, to share – it will be posted on this website.
We look forward to your wonderful, citizen-powered data!
Observation form
We've made an easy-to-use, simple form into which you can put your observations.
Download snow observations form (XLS 15 KB)
Once you're done, please upload it on this page, below. If you have any questions or problems, you can email us at [email protected]
Please remember to check the instructions on how to take the measurements, and what to look out for, before sending them to us:
Instructions on taking measurements
And thanks again for your time and effort! We appreciate it very much.
Upload your snow observations below.