How is water clarity measured and what is its significance?

Water quality levels are indicated by how well light transmits through water

Water quality levels are indicated by how well light transmits through water.

Field technician taking a water quality sample with a secchi disk, Lake Rotomanuka.

There are two main measurements of water quality:

  • visual clarity: the depth through water that is visible to the human eye
  • light penetration: the amount of light available underwater for algae and aquatic growth.

Light is critical for plant growth, and is usually an indicator of the health of a water body. Several methods are used to measure visual clarity:

  • taking the sighting distance of a black disk placed underwater using a periscope-type viewer
  • using a secchi disk, which takes vertical measurements through the water. (Secchi depth is typically about 25% greater than black disc visibility.)
  • with a device that measures the strength of a collimated beam of light.