Intermediate - Rhythmic bar and beach

Rhythmic bar and beach are high energy beaches that consist of a rhythmic (undulating) bar, trough and beach.

Rhythmic bar and beach are high energy beaches that consist of a rhythmic (undulating) bar, trough and beach.

They have distinct rip troughs that are separated by detached bars. Breakers are generally 1.5-2.0 m high. They have cusps (in lee of bars) and are typically composed of fine-medium sand. The pronounced changes in depth and current between bars and rips make these beaches hazardous for children and the inexperienced swimmer during high waves and high tide.

The safest bathing on these beaches is on or behind the bars during lower wave conditions.

Typical rhythmic bar and beaches: Summer Hill Beach, North Clutha mouth, Taupirikaka Point at Ship Creek, Bruce Bay. 

Rhythmic bar and beach are high energy beaches that consist of a undulating bar, trough and beach.
Rhythmic bar and beach - Okarito Beach, West Coast South Island. [NIWA]