Statement of Corporate Intent

This Statement of Corporate Intent (SCI) sets out NIWA's strategy for delivering against its core purpose over the next five years.

The National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Ltd (NIWA) is a Crown Research Institute incorporated as a company on 1 July 1992. Ownership is held equally between two shareholding Ministers appointed by the New Zealand Government and governed by a Crown-appointed Board of Directors.

The Shareholders' expectations of NIWA are contained in the Statement of Core Purpose that defines our purpose, expected outcomes, scope of operation and operating principles. This Statement of Corporate Intent (SCI) sets out NIWA's strategy for delivering against this core purpose over the next five years. The SCI is reviewable annually.

NIWA’s climate and atmosphere, freshwater, marine and environmental data science capability is provided by its 741 staff and $171 million of assets located in 4 main centres and 10 regional offices. NIWA also maintains nationally important databases, biological collections, science assets and capabilities that enable it and its collaborators to undertake much of its science. These include the national climate, atmospheric, marine and freshwater monitoring networks and databases, deep-sea research vessels, high performance computing and big data analytics facilities, the nation’s primary finfish aquaculture research facility, and a range of specialist analytical and modelling capabilities unique to NIWA.

Statement of Corporate Intent for 2024/2025 [PDF 9 MB]

NIWA Statement of Core Purpose

To see earlier issues of the NIWA Statement of Corporate Intent, please email us at [email protected].

NIWA Statement of Corporate Intent 2024-25 cover

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