Dr Piet Verburg

Lake Scientist


Ph.D., M.Sc. (Hons)

Science Centre

Contact Details


Verburg, P., S. Elliott, M. Schallenberg, C. McBride. 2018. Nutrient budgets in lakes. In: Lake Restoration Handbook, D. Hamilton, K. Collier, C. Howard-Williams, and J. Quinn (eds), Springer.

Woolway, R. I., P. Verburg, J.D. Lenters, C.J. Merchant, D.P Hamilton, J. Brookes, E. de Eyto, S. Kelly, N. C Healey, S. Hook, A. Laas, D. Pierson, J.A. Rusak, J. Kuha, J. Karjalainen, K. Kallio, A. Lepistö, I.D. Jones. 2018. Geographic and temporal variations in turbulent heat loss from lakes: A global analysis across 45 lakes. Limnology and Oceanography, doi: 10.1002/lno.10950

Woolway, R. I., L. Carrea, C. J. Merchant, M. T. Dokulil, E. de Eyto, C. L. DeGasperi, J. Korhonen, W. Marszelewski, L. May, A. M. Paterson, A. Rimmer, J. A. Rusak, S. G. Schladow, M. Schmid, S. V. Shimaraeva, E. A. Silow, M. A. Timofeyev, P. Verburg, S. Watanabe, and G. A. Weyhenmeyer (2018), Lake surface temperature [in "State of the Climate in 2017"]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 99(8), S13-S15, doi:10.1175/2018BAMSStateoftheClimate.1

Stewart, S.D., D.P. Hamilton, W.T. Baisden, P. Verburg, I.C. Duggan. 2018. The role of mobile consumers in lake nutrient cycles: a brief review. Hydrobiologia. doi.org/10.1007/s10750-018-3603-2

Stewart, S.D., D.P. Hamilton, W.T. Baisden, P. Verburg, I.C. Duggan. 2017. Littoral-pelagic coupling as a food web response to annual oscillation in pelagic primary production. Freshwater Biology 62: 2008–2025. doi.org/10.1111/fwb.13046

Leach, T.H., B.E. Beisner, C.C Carey, P.M. Pernica, K.C. Rose, Y. Huot, J.A. Brentrup, I. Domaizon, H-P. Grossart, B. W. Ibelings, S. Jacquet, P.T. Kelly, J.A. Rusak, J.D. Stockwell, D. Straile, and P. Verburg. 2017. Patterns and drivers of deep chlorophyll maxima structure in 100 lakes: the relative importance of light and thermal stratification. Limnology and Oceanography.63: 628-646. doi:10.1002/lno.10656

Katsev, S., P. Verburg, M. Lliros, E.C. Minor, B.R. Kruger and J. Li. 2017. Tropical Meromictic Lakes: Specifics of Meromixis and Case Studies of Lakes Tanganyika, Malawi, and Matano. In: R. Gulati, E. Zadereev, A. Degermendzhi, (eds.), Ecology of Meromictic Lakes, Ecological Studies 228, Springer, Cham, Switzerland, pp 277-323.

Woolway, R. I., P. Verburg*, C.J. Merchant, J.D. Lenters, D.P. Hamilton, J. Brookes , S. Kelly, S. Hook, A. Laas, D. Pierson, A. Rimmer, J.A. Rusak, and I.D. Jones (2017). Latitude and lake size are important predictors of over-lake atmospheric stability, Geophys. Res. Lett., 44, doi:10.1002/2017GL073941. *Corresponding author.

Woolway, R.I., L. Carrea, C.J. Merchant, M.T. Dokulil, E. de Eyto, C.L. DeGasperi, J. Korhonen, W. Marszelewski, L. May, A.M. Paterson, A. Rimmer, J.A. Rusak, S.G. Schladow, M. Schmid, S.V. Shimaraeva, E. Silow, M.A. Timofeev, P. Verburg, S. Watanabe, and G.A. Weyhenmeyer (2017). Lake surface temperature [in “State of the Climate in 2016”]. Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc., 98 (8), S13–S14, doi:10.1175/2017BAMSStateoftheClimate.

Woolway, R.I, K. Cinque, E. de Eyto, C.L. DeGasperi, M.T. Dokulil, J. Korhonen, S.C. Maberly, W. Marszelewski, L. May, C.J. Merchant, A.M.Paterson, M. Riffler, A. Rimmer, J.A. Rusak, S.G. Schladow, M. Schmid, K. Teubner, P. Verburg, B. Vigneswaran, S. Watanabe, and G.A. Weyhenmeyer (2016), Lake surface temperatures [in “State of the Climate in 2015”], Bull. Amer. Meteor. Soc. 97 (8), S17–S18.

O'Reilly, CM., S. Sharma, D.K. Gray, S.E. Hampton, J.S. Read, R.J. Rowley, P. Schneider, J.D. Lenters, P.B. McIntyre, B.M. Kraemer, G.A. Weyhenmeyer, D. Straile, B. Dong, R. Adrian, M.G. Allan, O. Anneville, L. Arvola, J. Austin, J.L. Bailey, J.S. Baron, J.D. Brookes, E. de Eyto, M.T. Dokulil, D.P. Hamilton, K. Havens, A.L. Hetherington, S.N. Higgins, S. Hook, L.R. Izmest'eva, K.D. Jöhnk, K. Kangur, P. Kasprzak, M. Kumagai, E. Kuusisto, G. Leshkevich, D.M. Livingstone, S. MacIntyre, L. May, J.M. Melack, D.C. Müller-Navarra, M. Naumenko, P. Nõges, T. Nõges, R.P. North, P.-D. Plisnier, A. Rigosi, A. Rimmer, M. Rogora, L.G. Rudstam, J.A. Rusak, N. Salmaso, N.R. Samal, D.E. Schindler, S.G. Schladow, M. Schmid, S.R. Schmidt, E. Silow, M.E. Soylu, K. Teubner, P. Verburg, A. Voutilainen, A. Watkinson, C.E. Williamson, G. Zhang. 2015. Rapid and highly variable warming of lake surface waters around the globe. Geophys. Res. Lett. 10.1002/2015GL066235

Sharma, S., D. Gray, J. Read, C. O'Reilly, P. Schneider, A. Qudrat, C. Gries, S. Stefanoff, S. Hampton, S. Hook, J. Lenters, D.M. Livingstone, P. McIntyre, R. Adrian, M. Allan, O. Anneville, L. Arvola, J. Austin, J. Bailey, J. Baron, J. Brookes, Y. Chen, R. Daly, K. Ewing, E. de Eyto, M. Dokulil, B. Dong, D. Hamilton, K. Havens, S. Haydon, H. Hetzenauer, J. Heneberry, A. Hetherington, S. Higgins, E. Hixson, L. Izmest'eva, B. Jones, K. Kangur, P. Kasprzak, O. Köster, B. Kraemer, M. Kumagai, E. Kuusisto, G. Leshkevich, L. May, S. MacIntyre, D. Muller-Navarra, M. Naumenko, P. Niederhauser, P. Noges, T. Noges, R. North, A. Paterson, P.-Denis Plisnier, A. Rigosi, A. Rimmer, M. Rogora, L. Rudstam, J. Rusak, N. Salmaso, N. Samal, D. Schindler, G. Schladow, S. Schmidt, T. Schultz, E. Silow, D. Straile, K. Teubner, P. Verburg, A. Voutilainen, A. Watkinson, G. Weyhenmeyer, C. Williamson, and K. Woo. 2015. A global database of lake surface temperatures collected by in situ and satellite methods from 1985–2009. Sci. Data 2:150008 doi: 10.1038/sdata.2015.8

Rantala, H.M., A.M. Nelson, J.N. Fulgoni, M.R. Whiles, R.O. Hall, W.K. Dodds, P. Verburg, A.D. Huryn, C. M. Pringle, S.S. Kilham, K.R. Lips, C. Colon-Gaud, A.T. Rugenski, S. Peterson, K. Fritz, K.E. MCleran, and S. Connelly. 2014. Long-term changes in structure and function of a tropical headwater stream following a disease-driven amphibian decline. Freshwater Biology. doi:10.1111/fwb.12505.

Verburg, P. 2014. Lack of evidence for lower mercury biomagnification by biomass dilution in more productive lakes. Environmental Science & Technology. dx.doi.org/10.1021/es405415c.

Verburg, P. 2014. Latent and sensible heat fluxes overestimated and net heat flux underestimated in Lake Victoria. Comment to Cozar et al. (2012). PLosONE. arXiv:1404.5675 [physics.ao-ph]

Verburg, P., C.W. Hickey and N. Phillips. 2014. Mercury biomagnification in three geothermally-influenced lakes differing in chemistry and algal biomass. Sci. Total Environm. 493: 342–354. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.05.097.

Duggan, I.C., M. Neale, K.V. Robinson, P. Verburg, and N.T.N. Watson, 2014. Skistodiaptomus pallidus (Copepoda: Diaptomidae) establishment in New Zealand natural lakes, and its effects on zooplankton community composition. Aquatic Invasions 9(2): 195–202. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.3391/ai.2014.9.2.08

Schallenberg, M., M.D. de Winton, P. Verburg, D.J. Kelly, K.D. Hamill, D.P. Hamilton, 2013. Ecosystem services of lakes. In: J.R. Dymond (ed.), Ecosystem services in New Zealand - Conditions and trends. Manaaki Whenua Press, Lincoln, New Zealand, pp 203-225.

Hamilton, D.P., McBride, C., Özkundakci, D., Schallenberg, M., Verburg, P., de Winton, M., Kelly, D., Hendy, C., Ye, W. 2013. Effects of climate change on New Zealand lakes. In: C.R. Goldman, M. Kumagai, and R.D. Robarts (eds), Climatic Change and Global Warming of Inland Waters: Impacts and Mitigation for Ecosystems and Societies. Wiley Inc., Hoboken NJ, pp. 337-366. 

Özkundakci, D, D.P. Hamilton, D. Kelly, M. Schallenberg, M. de Winton, P. Verburg, D. Trolle. 2013. Ecological integrity of deep lakes in New Zealand across anthropogenic pressure gradients. Ecological Indicators 37: 45–57.

Burns, C.W., M. Schallenberg, and P. Verburg. 2013. Potential use of classical biomanipulation to improve water quality in New Zealand lakes: a re-evaluation. New Zealand Journal of Marine and Freshwater Research, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00288330.2013.838589.

Verburg, P., J. Horrox, E. Chaney, J.C. Rutherford, J.M Quinn, R.J. Wilcock, C.W. Howard-Williams. 2013. Nutrient ratios, differential retention and limitation in a deep oligotrophic lake. Hydrobiologia 718:119–130.

Wilcock, R.J., R.M. Monaghan, R.W. McDowell, P. Verburg, J. Horrox, C. Chagué-Goff, M.J. Duncan, A. Rutherford, G. Zemansky, M.R. Scarsbrook, A.E. Wright-Stow, C. Howard-Williams, S. Cotton. 2013. Managing pollutant inputs from pastoral dairy farming to maintain water quality of a lake in a high-rainfall catchment. Marine and Freshwater Research 64, 447–459.

Verburg, P., J. Horrox, E. Chaney, J.C. Rutherford, J.M Quinn, R.J. Wilcock, C.W. Howard-Williams. 2013. Effects of nutrient loading on the trophic state of Lake Brunner. Marine and Freshwater Research 64, 436–446.

Barnum, T., P. Verburg, S. Kilham, M. Whiles, K. Lips, C. Colón-Gaud, C. Pringle. 2013. Use of stable isotope ratios to characterize potential shifts in the isotopic niches of grazing insects following an amphibian decline in a Neotropical stream. Journal of Tropical Ecology 29: 291-299.

Whiles, M.R., R. O. Hall, Jr., W. K. Dodds, P. Verburg, A. D. Huryn, C. M. Pringle, K. R. Lips, S. S. Kilham, C. Colón-Gaud, A. T. Rugenski, S. Peterson, and S. Connelly. 2013. Disease-driven amphibian declines alter ecosystem processes in a tropical stream. Ecosystems 16: 146–157.

Verburg, P., J.P. Antenucci, and R.E. Hecky. 2011. Differential cooling drives large-scale convective circulation in Lake Tanganyika. Limnol. Oceanogr. 56: 910–926.

Verburg, P., and J.P. Antenucci. 2010. Persistent unstable atmospheric boundary layer enhances sensible and latent heat loss in a tropical Great Lake - Lake Tanganyika. J. Geophys. Res. 115, D11109, doi:10.1029/2009JD012839.

Verburg, P., and R.E. Hecky, 2009. The physics of the warming of Lake Tanganyika by climate change. Limnology and Oceanography 54: 2418-2430.

Mbabazi, D., B. Makanga, F. Orach-Meza, R.E. Hecky, J.S. Balirwa, R. Ogutu-Ohwayo, P. Verburg, L. Chapman, and E. Muhumuza. 2009. Intra-lake stable isotope ratio variation in selected fish species and their possible carbon sources in Lake Kyoga (Uganda): implications for aquatic food web studies. Afr. J. Ecology 48: 667–675.

Kilham, S.S. M. Hunte-Brown, P. Verburg, C.M. Pringle, M.R. Whiles, K.R. Lips and E. Zandona, 2009. Challenges for interpreting stable isotope fractionation of carbon and nitrogen in tropical aquatic ecosystems. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 30: 749–753.

Verburg, P, J.P. Antenucci and R.E. Hecky, 2008. Large scale overturning circulation in Lake Tanganyika against the direction of the wind. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 30: 619-622.

Campbell, L., P. Verburg , D.G. Dixon and R.E. Hecky, 2008. Mercury biomagnification in the food web of Lake Tanganyika (Tanzania, East Africa). Science of the Total Environment 402: 184-191.

Verburg, P., S.S. Kilham, C.M. Pringle, K.R. Lips and D.L. Drake, 2007. A stable isotope study of a neotropical stream food web prior to the extirpation of its large amphibian community. Journal of Tropical Ecology 23: 643–651.

Verburg, P., and I.R. Bills, 2007. Two new sympatric species of Neolamprologus (Teleostei: Cichlidae) from Lake Tanganyika, East Africa. Zootaxa 1612: 25–44.

Stager, J.C., A. Ruzmaikin, D. Conway, P. Verburg, and P.J. Mason, 2007. Sunspots, El Niño, and the levels of Lake Victoria, East Africa. J. Geophys. Res. 112, D15106, doi:10.1029/2006JD008362.

Verburg, P., 2007. The need to correct for the Suess effect in the application of d13C as a productivity proxy in sediment of autotrophic Lake Tanganyika in the anthropocene. J. Paleolimnology 37:591–602. DOI 10.1007/s10933-006-9056-z.

Verburg, P., R.E. Hecky and H. Kling, 2006. Climate warming decreased primary productivity in Lake Tanganyika, inferred from accumulation of dissolved silica and increased transparency. Verh. Internat. Verein. Limnol. 29: 2335-2338.

Mbabazi D., F.L. Orach-Meza, B. Makanga, R.E. Hecky, J.S. Balirwa, R. Ogutu-Ohwayo, P. Verburg, G. Namulemo, E. Muhumuza and J. Luyiga, 2004. Trophic structure and energy flow in fish communities of two lakes of the Lake Victoria basin. Uganda Journal of Agricultural Sciences 9: 348-359.

O’Reilly, C.M., P. Verburg, R.E. Hecky, P. Plisnier, and A.S. Cohen, 2003. Food web dynamics in stable isotope ecology: Time integration of different trophic levels. In: L. Seuront and P. Sutton (eds.), Handbook of scaling methods in aquatic ecology: Measurement, analysis, simulation. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, pp. 125-134.

Verburg, P., R.E. Hecky and H. Kling, 2003. Ecological consequences of a century of warming in Lake Tanganyika. Science 301: 505-507.

Verburg, P., and R.E. Hecky, 2003. Wind patterns, evaporation and related physical variables in Lake Tanganyika, East Africa. J. Great Lakes Res. 29(Suppl. 2): 48-61.

Hamblin, P., P. Verburg, P. Roebber, H. Bootsma, and R.E. Hecky, 2002. Observations, evaporation and preliminary modelling of over-lake meteorology on large African lakes. In: E. Odada and D. Olago (eds.), The East African Great Lakes: Limnology, palaeolimnology and biodiversity. Kluwer, pp. 121-151.

Mannini, P., I. Katonda, B. Kissaka, and P.Verburg, 1999. Feeding ecology of Lates stappersii in Lake Tanganyika. Hydrobiologia 407: 131-139.

Bruggemann, J.H., J. Begeman, E.M. Bosma, P. Verburg and A.M. Breeman, 1994. Foraging by the Stoplight parrotfish, Sparisoma viride II. Intake and assimilation of food, protein and energy. Mar. Ecol. Prog. Ser. 106: 57-71.