
Balancing the sustainability of our fisheries stocks and the impacts of fishing on the environment with the economic opportunities

Open wide: Snapper teeth secrets
NIWA and University of Auckland masters student Georgia Third is getting up close and personal with snapper guts and teeth to understand the differences between biologically distinct snapper populations in New Zealand.

  • Casal2 software logo

    Population modelling software Casal 2

    Software Tool/Resource
    Casal2 is an advanced software package developed by NIWA for modelling the population dynamics of marine species.
  • Image of snapper mortality research

    Fisheries stock assessments

    To get the most benefit from a fish stock in the long term, we need to maximise our yield without damaging the fish population we rely on.
  • Autonomous vessels

    Fisheries researchers combine technologies to collect more data at a lower cost.
  • Climate Change Vulnerability Assessment (CCVA)

    To prepare for changes in climate, our freshwater and oceans decision-makers need information on species vulnerability to climate change.
  • A haul of hoki.

    Fisheries and EcoConnect

    EcoConnect provides the New Zealand fishing industry with a unique operational decision-making tool to help mitigate commercial, operational, and environmental risk.
  • Fisheries

    Spatial Population Modelling

    The Spatial Population Model (SPM) can model populations over one or two areas, as well as populations in many hundreds of areas.
  • RV Tangaroa in Wellington harbour, 2017

    Echosounder technology

    ESP3 is the main tool at NIWA for quantitative analysis of acoustic data.
  • Other research instruments

    Scientists across NIWA use specialist tools manufactured across the world to perform their research and environmental consultancy.