NIWA Biodiversity Memoirs

The NIWA Biodiversity Memoir (NBM) series comprises technical works that describe New Zealand’s invertebrate marine life—sponges, corals, hydroids, worms, molluscs, crustaceans, sea stars and lesser-known groups. They are beautifully presented, stand-alone monographs that reveal the history and diversity of the subject groups, with new species names and revisionary work that is relevant globally.

These important publications are indispensable references for academic researchers and postgraduate students interested in marine systematics and the conservation of New Zealand’s unique aquatic biodiversity, much of which is found nowhere else in the world.

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NIWA Biodiversity Memoirs

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All our NIWA Biodiversity Memoirs (NBM) are available for purchase (hard copy) or free download (PDF) below.

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NBM021 Clark, H.E.S. 1964 The fauna of the Ross Sea. Part 3. Asteroidea. Antarctica, Echinodermata, Sea stars, asteroids, starfish, Systematics, taxonomy PDF icon New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir 21 (PDF, 17 MB, 120 p.) Buy hard copy ($29)
NBM017 Skerman, T.M. (Ed.) 1964 Studies of a southern fiord. Milford Sound, Fiordland, bathymetry, hydrology, sedimentation, microbiology, Foraminifera, sulphur, pollen, benthic community, Mollusca, Brachiopoda, Polychaeta, Echinodermata, Diatoms, temperature, salinity PDF icon New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir 17 (PDF, 18 MB, 101 p.) Buy hard copy ($25)
NBM010 Burling, R.W. 1964 Hydrology of circumpolar waters south of New Zealand. Antarctic, Subantarctic, oceanography, currents, fronts, temperature, salinity, seasonal variation PDF icon New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir 10 (PDF, 13 MB, 66 p.) Out of print
NBM025 Hedley, R.H.; Hurdle, C.M.; Burdett, I.D.J. 1965 A foraminiferal fauna from the western continental shelf, North Island, New Zealand. Foraminifera, Protozoa, benthic, plankton, taxonomy PDF icon New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir 25 (PDF, 8 MB, 46 p.) Buy hard copy ($25)
NBM027 Tattersall, O.S.; Edmonds, S.J. 1965 The fauna of the Ross Sea. Part 4. Mysidacea. Sipunculoidea. Antarctica, mysids, worms, Sipuncula, Arthropoda, Systematics, taxonomy PDF icon New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir 27 (PDF, 6 MB, 35 p.) Buy hard copy ($25)
NBM012 Garner, D.M.; Ridgway, N.M. 1965 Hydrology of New Zealand offshore waters. offshore, oceanography, currents, temperature, salinity, seasonal variation PDF icon New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir 12 (PDF, 14 MB, 62 p.) Buy hard copy ($25)
NBM011 Brodie, J.W. 1965 Bathymetry of the New Zealand region. charts, features, Geology, seafloor, sedimentation PDF icon New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir 11 (PDF, 10 MB, 54 p.) Buy hard copy ($25)
NBM035 Griffin, D.J.G. 1966 The marine fauna of New Zealand: Spider crabs, family Majidae (Crustacea, Brachyura). Arthropoda, crab, Systematics, majids, taxonomy PDF icon New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir 35 (PDF, 25 MB, 111 p.) Out of print
NBM030 Krause, D.C. 1966 Geology and geomagnetism of the Bounty region east of the South Island, New Zealand. Bathymetric profile, magnetic profile, canyons, geomagnetic, magnetometer, anomalies PDF icon New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir 30 (PDF, 6 MB, 32 p.) Buy hard copy ($25)
NBM028 Pantin, H.M. 1966 Sedimentation in Hawke Bay. Hawke's Bay, Geology, authigenic minerals, sediments, topography, sedimentology PDF icon New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir 28 (PDF, 13 MB, 70 p.) Buy hard copy ($25)
NBM048 Garner, D.M. 1967 Hydrology of the south-east Tasman Sea. currents, oceanography, salinity, temperature PDF icon New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir 48 (PDF, 8 MB, 40 p.) Buy hard copy ($25)
NBM041 Krause, D.C. 1967 Bathymetry and geologic structure of the north-western Tasman Sea-Coral Sea-South Solomon Sea area of the South-western Pacific Ocean. Geology, Sediment, sedimentology, rock, seafloor morphology, submarine features PDF icon New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir 41 (PDF, 10 MB, 48 p.) Out of print
NBM040 McDougall, J.C.; Brodie, J.W. 1967 Sediments of the western shelf, North Island, New Zealand. Geology, minerals, topography, sedimentology PDF icon New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir 40 (PDF, 13 MB, 54 p.) Buy hard copy ($25)
NBM039 Garner, D.M. 1967 Hydrology of the southern Hikurangi Trench region. currents, oceanography, salinity, temperature, salinity PDF icon New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir 39 (PDF, 5 MB, 33 p.) Buy hard copy ($25)
NBM038 Hedley, R.H.; Hurdle, C.M.; Burdett, I.D.J. 1967 The marine fauna of New Zealand: Intertidal Foraminifera of the Corallina officinalis zone. Forams, Protozoa, Systematics, calcareous algae, taxonomy PDF icon New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir 38 (PDF, 17 MB, 86 p.) Buy hard copy ($25)
NBM036 Houtman, T.J. 1967 Water masses and fronts in the Southern Ocean south of New Zealand. oceanography, currents, Antarctica, circulation, Bathythermograph, temperature, salinity PDF icon New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir 36 (PDF, 9 MB, 39 p.) Buy hard copy ($25)
NBM044 Eade, J.V. 1967 A checklist of Recent New Zealand Foraminifera. Forams, Protozoa, Systematics, taxonomy PDF icon New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir 44 (PDF, 11 MB, 70 p.) Buy hard copy ($25)
NBM043 Squires, D.F.; Keyes, I.W. 1967 The marine fauna of New Zealand: Scleractinian corals. Scleractinia, Cnidaria, hard coral, cup coral, stony coral, taxonomy PDF icon New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir 43 (PDF, 9 MB, 54 p.) Buy hard copy ($25)
NBM033 Cullen, D.J. 1967 The submarine geology of Foveaux Strait. Geomorphology, Sediment, petrology, Bluff PDF icon New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir 33 (PDF, 16 MB, 67 p.) Buy hard copy ($25)
NBM032 Bullivant, J.S.; Dearborn, J.H. 1967 The fauna of the Ross Sea. Part 5. General accounts, station lists, and benthic ecology. Antarctica, ecology, fauna, Commonwealth Trans-Antarctic Expedition, TAE, Endeavour, stations PDF icon New Zealand Oceanographic Institute Memoir 32 (PDF, 18 MB, 77 p.) Buy hard copy ($25)
