Second Tray - Assess the likely hazard

How might weather hazards be affected by climate change?

How might weather hazards be affected by climate change?

The second stage of the evaluation is assessing the hazards that are likely to be exacerbated or introduced associated with climate change. Each urban environment will be exposed to a mixture of different hazards, depending upon their location. For this reason, this tray is divided up into six bins representing different hazards. The tools in each bin are specific to the modelling and assessment of the particular hazard. The hazard bins and tools can be found in the bins below.

Related links

Map of the 100-year ARI rainfall for the lower North Island.
  • (no image provided)

    Bin 2.1 Flooding

    Will flooding become more frequent?
  • (no image provided)

    Bin 2.2 Sea level rise and storm surge

    What will be the effects of sea level rise?
  • (no image provided)

    Bin 2.3 Heavy rainfall induced landslides

    Will the risk of rainfall-induced lanslides change?
  • (no image provided)

    Bin 2.4 Heavy rainfall and urban drainage

    Will our drainage systems still cope?
  • (no image provided)

    Bin 2.5 Supply and demand of potable water

    Are more water restrictions on the agenda?
  • (no image provided)

    Tool 2.6 Other hazards

    What do we know about weather hazards?